Welcome Home Jaemin!

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The Final piece of my already written Draft ideas for my upcoming piece of work, please let me know if this is something you would wish to read more about in a full-length book.

For those who have sent in requests, please know that I do plan on starting them but also know that I am a college going student and I can only write when I find the spare time so, please understand! You will get your requested one-shot it just may take a few days!

Jaemin didn't know how to feel when he stepped out of his Appa's car and onto the pavement of his chosen school, he felt a lump gather in the back of his throat when he turned to look at his Appa through the window of their car.

"I'm so proud of you..." Baekhyun whispered, his own eyes filled with tears. His hands were pressed tightly against each other in front of his lips, which were curled up into the most dazzling grin that Jaemin had ever seen. Not even the photographers Baekhyun faced on a daily occurrence had seen this most beautiful grin, this one was solely reserved for his family, both husband and son. "Have fun today sweetheart, text me during your lunch break and let me know if you want me to pick you up.

Jaemin nodded his head and tightened his grip on his backpack, his father's gift after his grandmother had torn apart his old one in her rage. He quickly blew his Appa a kiss and giggled quietly into the palm of his hand as he watched Baekhyun catch it mid-air and apply it to his cheek, from here he happily twirled on his tiptoes and sent his chosen school a glance before nervously backing up towards the car. He could hear his Appa giggle quietly to himself, mustering up the courage Jaemin finally caught his eye.

"Do I-"

"You look amazing, Jaemin." Baekhyun promised, having grown used to knowing how his son's brain works in the seventeen years he's been alive. "Now can you please leave me to watch everything happen from the peacefulness that is our car, your father only allowed this to happen as long as I agreed to videotape the whole thing!"

"This is the exact reason why I didn't want to be recognized as your son!" Jaemin glared at his Appa through the opened window, Baekhyun's laughter made his son roll his eyes.

"Well tough sweetheart, you're all ours! I even have the scar to prove it!" Baekhyun sent his blond-haired son a wink before pulling out his phone and hitting the record function on his camera. "Bye honey, have a great day in school!" he yelled in his classic overdramatic way.

Jaemin tossed both his Appa and the camera his middle finger before taking a deep breath, he turned on his heel once again and stared up at the building of SM University which would be his final home before graduation. Since his Appa had decided to park right up next to the student courtyard, it didn't take long for people to recognise who Jaemin was. He had heard from Jisung that he had made quite an impression on the school during his time there in sophomore year and then again when he received his injury on the football field later that year.

"Jaemin?!" That familiar loud voice was hard to forget, the pure shock of Haechan's scream forced Jaemin to halt in his steps towards the entrance doors and stop just next to the large stone water fountain in front of the school building. "OH MY GOSH, it is YOU!"

Jaemin barely had any time to open his arms before a grinning (and sobbing) Haechan Lee crashed into his arms. Jaemin was pulled flush against his friend's chest, his lungs heaving as Haechan tightened his hold on him letting out a faint giggle at Jaemin's pained whimpers.

"I'm back Haechannie and I'm not going anywhere!" Jaemin managed to huff out the last of his breathable oxygen, his fingers lightly tapping against Haechan's side. Finally, he managed to breathe after his friend shifted and hugged him closer, loosening his grip on Jaemin's frame.

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