When Cold Meets Hot

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For as long as Jaemin can remember he has been cursed with the reality of having stone cold hands and feet. He wasn't entirely sure why since the doctors claimed that his body's circulation of blood was normal and that he was a normal healthy young Korean boy.

Jaemin grew to accept the fact that his touch would cast an unacceptable chill down someone's spine. Which is why he was always so self-conscious about allowing anyone to take his hand.

His heart broke when he watched Jisung pull away from his touch, his eyes wide as the horrible chill ran down his spine. The youngest member shivered, burrowing his hands even deeper into his jacket pockets.

"Hyung your hands feel like they are about to fall off, are you okay? Do you need another heat pack?"

But Jaemin just shook his head, shoving his hands back into the pockets of his black winter jacket. He had bugged his manager to get as many hot packs as he could for the members as it was supposed to be quite cold this incoming winter. He sighed when he realised that the four he had stuffed inside both pockets just wouldn't be enough.

He had a smile on his face when he realised that they had just arrived back at the dorms, the sight of the building releasing the tension from Jaemin's shoulders.

Both he and Jisung jumped out of the car and waved their manager goodbye before they both raced each other into the building, seeking warmth.

Renjun was the one to open the door for them, he didn't look pleased that they had dragged him out of bed but he understood that neither of them could produce the key with their hands aching from the cold. Even Jaemin had to admit that his hands were by far colder than usual.

The eldest instantly got to work in the kitchen, preparing mugs of hot coca for both of his juniors. Jisung had rushed to his bedroom to change into more appropriate clothes, while Jaemin took a seat on the couch in the living room.

He pulled out the eight heat packs and gathered them all up in the palms of both hands, the heat from them had decreased greatly but he knew that if he didn't gradually try to heat his hands up they would hurt when they accepted the mug of hot chocolate.

"Here you go." Renjun offered him a small yet genuine smile as he passed Jaemin his mug. The younger reached out to accept it after putting away the heating packs, only for his long fingertips to hit against Renjun's wrist. The boy released a gasp before he could help it.

"Sorry!" Jaemin cried, quickly pulling the mug away but carefully so he didn't spill a drop. "I thought I got them warmer..."

"If that's warmer than what they were originally you don't have to apologise for anything, I know how senetivite you get when your hands are involved. But honestly its okay, you just frightened me for a moment."

"Jisung asked me if I needed more heat packs, I wanted to take more out but I could only fit four in each pocket otherwise it would pop!"

"Jaemin are you sure that you're okay? Your hands are worse than ice, its like I'm being touched by the dead. Are you sure that there's nothing you can do to warm them up?" Renjun wondered, looking serious as he asked the question.

Jaemin wanted to answer him honestly, but he felt his cheeks heaten up in embarrassment first.

"Say no more," Renjun backtracked, a small knowing smile on his lips as he nodded his head. "I got it."


Jaemin could hear the ruckus out in the livingroom even though his bedroom door was closed over. He couldn't help but smile as he stood up from his bed and made his way out into the hallway, the sounds somewhat clearer now.

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