One Kiss

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A small chapter of something I hope to start working on soon 👀

"Chenle I newsstand that you're freaking out but can you please knock it off?!" Renjun hisses, slamming his metal chopsticks against the table-top.

Jaemin watches him from across the table, wide eyes taking in the sight before his very eyes.

Chenle sat to his left, hand paused in tapping the top of his chopstick against his plastic plate, making a small scraping sound every time it made contact. The green-haired exchange student's head dips forward, a puff of air leaving through his nostrils.

"I'm sorry, " he claims. "I just don't know what I'm going to do about this Valentine's thing-"

"Why do you need to do anything about it?" Jaemin wonders, allowing his brows to furrow in the centre of his forehead.

"It's tradition," Donghyuck explains to the year-old student. "you weren't here for it last year so I'll tell you about it myself! SM High takes Valentines very seriously."

"I gathered that much," Jaemin rolls his eyes, lips pushing out to form a pout. "I just don't understand why Chenle is freaking out? Is it because you're afraid that you're not going to get a Valentine?"

"Oh he already got a Valentine," Renjun teased, brows wiggling. "and thankfully he signed his name at the bottom."

"Aw Chenle, that's adorable!" Jaemin gushed, reaching out to pat the boy on his shoulder.

The youngest released a groan, his head falling before anyone could reach out and stop it from hitting the table. Jaemin released a whine, oh that definitely hurt.

"It's a tradition that those who receive signed confessions would kiss those who signed if the feeling is mutual." Donghyuck snickers from beneath his apple.

Jaemin didn't need help figuring out the rest.

"Oh you poor thing," he whispers, allowing his fingers to fall into the boy's green hair. "I can understand why you're freaked out now."

"Really?" Renjun blinks, stunned. "I'm still trying to figure that part out."

"Chenle is scared that if he doesn't kiss his Valentine the boy's heart will be crushed because like Donghyuck said he wouldn't share his feelings-"

"But it's obvious Chenle likes him too!" Donghyuck groans, filtering his frustration into the bite he took from his apple.

"Yes, which like everyone else makes a person nervous to confess." Jaemin hisses, nose scrunched up as he glares across the table.

Chenle moves beneath his hand, gaining attention from the boy sitting beside him and the boys sitting across from him. "It's not that I'm nervous exactly," he plays with his fingers. "I just don't know if I'm ready to kiss him yet, it would be my first time."

"Can you at least tell us the guy's name?" Jaemin wonders, turning himself to completely face his younger friend.

He notices how Chenle's gaze falls to his lap, his lower lip slipping beneath his teeth. "Um..."

"Do I know him?" Jaemin continues, though reminds himself to refrain from being overbearing. Chenle was obviously uncomfortable, so he had to address this situation carefully.

"Actually hyung..." Chenle's voice trails off, eyes still refusing to meet him. "I like Jisung..."

"Alright." Jaemin shrugs his shoulders, eyes naturally finding the table his cousin sat at just ahead of them.

"Wait what?!" Donghyuck shrieks, his shout forcing the three other boy's to jump. "That's it?"


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