Spiderman Sticker [M]

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Jaemin and Lucas had been dating for about four months now, the taller having been introduced to him through their shared friend Renjun who had also found himself in a relationship stretching back six months. Unlike Renjun, Jaemin hadn't gotten the chance to meet his friend's boyfriend. There had been many opportunities for the two of them to cross paths but something also came up and plans had to be cancelled, but he couldn't allow himself to completely place all the blame on this mysterious boy. He had been the cause of their plans falling through sometimes due to his busy working schedule, being a middle school teacher was demanding but he loved his job.

So you could understand his excitement when Lucas arrived at his apartment (after weeks of not seeing him) claiming that Renjun and his boyfriend (who Jaemin had yet to learn the name of) were waiting for them at their local café. Jaemin had been grading his student's homework at the time but a couple hours at the coffee house wouldn't do much harm, hence how he found himself sitting across from the couple in one of the familiar brown leather booths of his favourite café.

Lucas had his arm thrown over the seat behind Jaemin but his attention was on Renjun across from them, they were both talking about something in relation to their company. Jaemin tried to ignore the weight on his shoulder, his body having grown a little uncomfortable since he hadn't been around his boyfriend in quite some time. He didn't let it faze him though, instead he turned his attention to the man sitting directly across from him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Jaemin offered the boy a smile, his breath hitching as he watched the latter's eyes crinkle upwards in a moon crescent-like shape. "Sorry that we weren't able to meet before. I'm a school teacher so I find it hard to find time to go out."

"The pleasure is all mine," the man chuckled, pulling his arm away from its spot around Renjun. Jaemin watched as he shifted a little closer to the table, pink lips curling around his straw before taking a quick sip. "and seriously don't apologise. I know what it's like not having time, I'm a pediatrician so I have my hands full with hospital hours."

Jaemin was astonished to say the least, the man sitting before him looked quite young to be a doctor but from the few conversations he had about him with Renjun he figured that the guy was only a couple months older than him. Still his devotion was admirable. "You like kids?"

"Love them." the man grinned, both of his hands resting quite comfortably in his lap. "I guess it stemmed from when I was younger, I have an older sister but she had kids when I was still in high school so I was their babysitter whenever she needed time to herself or her husband." He pulled from his jean pocket his phone, Jaemin watching as he swiped around for a minute before turning his screen.

"How old?" Jaemin cooed, taking the phone between his own fingers. He stared down at the boy and girl both grinning at the camera, they shared their uncle's moon shaped grin which had Jaemin 's heart just melt. The picture must have been taken at Halloween since both of the children were dressed up, their outfits pulling a smile onto Jaemin's lips.

"Superman just turned six," The man grinned as Jaemin handed him back his phone, he spared the picture one last glance before swiping a couple more times. "my princess is eleven. Do you want to see my babies?"

Jaemin cast a quick glance at Renjun, not having recalled a moment when his friend spoke about his boyfriend's babies. His friend was still wrapped up in a conversation with Lucas that he wouldn't even cast his glance back at his friend, Jaemin shrugged it off turning his attention back to his best friend's boyfriend who once again tilted his phone.

Jaemin couldn't contain his gasp, his fingers pulling the phone from the male's hand earning a laugh in return. Jaemin stared down at the pretty picture of three cats, one perched on the other's belly while the third stared down at them with an almost judgmental look in his eyes. Jaemin cracked a giggle, tilting the phone back so the man could name and identify each. For some strange reason Jaemin felt like he would love Nal more than the other too, he would never say such a thing out loud though.

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