Comfort Hour

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BTW: I just posted my first chapter of my new Nomin book, yes the book is the one in which I have referenced in this one-shot book by writing one-shots about it! When you have the time, go read it! It's called the Devil's Eye-Smile!

Jeno and Jaemin become each other's comfort, seeking each other out when they need some comfort!

Jaemin's heart ached, his brain felt like it was on fire as his lungs tried desperately to retrieve the air he had used up while running away from the very man his heart was lusting after.

For the past hour he had been forced to attend a group hang-out session which unfortunately meant that Mark's new boyfriend was there, glaring holes into the side of Jaemin's face. No one besides Renjun knew about Jaemin's fascination with the eldest member of their group, which is why he had accompanied his best friend through the obstacle course at lightning speed so that they could avoid any and all interaction with Mark and his new partner.

How they had even agreed to attend the college-run activity course was beyond Jaemin's current comprehension, all he can distinctly remember was the glare that Mark's new boyfriend (he wasn't bothered to remember his name) sent his way when he passed them both their entrance tickets after Yangyang had given them to him.

Jaemin's stomach was twisted all out of sorts, his body still vibrating as he quickly glanced around the main student area, hoping to have found serenity. He let out a relieved gasp of air when he didn't find anyone he recognized, the area being mostly made up of studying first years and stressed seniors.

His breath almost got caught in his lungs when his eyes zeroed in on a boy who had his back facing toward him. He was tall, broad shouldered and looked particularly interested in a sign up sheet hung next to the Literature department's open mic night poster. His jacket looked familiar, a dead ringer of the one Haechan had gotten for Mark on his twenty-first birthday.

A quick glance around the latter's surroundings, Jaemin felt a powerful urge overcome him as he rushed through the crowds and towards Mark. He threw himself against the boy's back, his fingers coiling against his lips which traced the outside of his crushes ear. His body quickly shifted so that it was pressed against the latter's chest, by doing so he had better access to his neck. The boy was stunned into silence, his muscles seizing up at the presence of someone so close and intimate.

"Mark..." Jaemin began, shielding the view of his lips from any wandering eye. He definitely didn't want the entire college population to know what he said as he confesses. "I like you. I've spent the past few hours running away from you and your boyfriend. I've been avoiding you for days and I know that you want me to tell you what's wrong, but for obvious reasons I couldn't. You have no idea what it's been like, watching you and him get so close.. It's hurting me and I hate the fact that it stings so much. I have this fantasy in my head that I can't get over, and seeing you two together.." he pauses, hating the way the words just won't come out.

A gasp is ripped from his lungs when he feels the body against him soften, warm arms coil themselves around his waist and apply just the right amount of pressure to encourage him to continue. The latter rubs soothing circles into the exposed skin of Jaemin's waist, his whole body sparking with a new flame from this unfamiliar touch.

This felt incredible, his entire body was reacting to a simple touch, perhaps this is what they mean when they say that the touch of a crush is unlike any other. Jaemin couldn't help but wallow on the heat and pleasure, his nose nuzzling against the span of Mark's neck-


He sniffed the area again.

That wasn't Mark's cologne.

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