911: I have an Emergency

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Jaemin couldn't help but smile as he burrowed deeper into the covers, nuzzling against the soft cotton of his pillowcase like a cat would to its owner. His hands lay flat beneath the pillow, soaking up any extra warmth he could find. His back curled inward as he stretched, his ass raising the blanket slightly in its shift. Jaemin whimpered as he moved to force it back down again, feeling far too cold for a summer morning.

"Nana!!" Jisung's voice was fast approaching, forcing Jaemin to flip over onto his back before the young boy could squeeze him against the mattress.

His lips broke out into a wider grin as he welcomed the youngest into his arms with a full heart. The boy cuddled close, resting his head against his chest and sighing happily when he heard Jaemin's heartbeat.

"You're okay!" he cheered, gently patting his cheek. "I've been worried about you!"

Jaemin's brows furrowed, he had been taking a few extra shifts lately but nothing that could warrant Jisung's concern. Finally, thinking he could get some help on the situation, Jaemin's solution walked through the door.

"Ji had a nightmare again," Jeno explained without needing to be prompted. "I think we should let the school know that he needs a few more meetings with their counsellor."

"Yeah I think that's a good idea," Jaemin agreed wholeheartedly. He scooped the boy up into his arms and riddled the top of his head with kisses. Jisung giggled into his chest. "After all," he stops and gently pokes the boy's nose. "There is nothing wrong with talking about your problems."

"You and Dad are the same!" Jisung cried, playfully hitting his fists against Jaemin's chest. "You're both advocates for mental health."

"That's a big word for Elmo" Jeno teases, watching from the safety of the closest as his son shoots him a glare.

"Your Dad and I are only concerned about your wellbeing, we love you far too much to let a few nightmares ruin your sleeping habits." Jaemin explained much to Jeno's relief. They shared a quick glance before returning their attention to Jisung, he'd get their full attention before Giselle came to pick him up to take him to school.

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast?" Jisung wondered as he allowed Jaemin to place him gently on the floor before he got out of the bed himself.

He takes a minute to contemplate, though his gaze turns to Jeno to get his final word. The elder just sheepishly smiled, shrugging his shoulders as he gently raised his hand to encourage him. Jaemin lets a laugh slip through his lips.

Had Jeno used Jisung to sweet-talk Jaemin into making pancakes again? He couldn't believe how easy he was. He should definitely work on getting some restrain otherwise he doesn't know what he would be agreeing to, the Lee boys were sweethearts and knew how to use their adorable smile to get what they wanted. Jaemin knew he would fall weak to that look each time.

"Fine!" he huffed. "But only if you eat the fruit I put on your plate this time!"

"No problem Nana!" Jisung squealed, already halfway out of the bedroom. Jeno immediately raced after him, their triumphant cheering forcing him to move quicker. He could not miss the opportunity of seeing both of his boy's smiling like that. His heart felt full.


"So remind me again, I'm taking Jisung-"

"This Friday because we're both pulling extra shifts at the station." Jaemin explained politely, smiling across the table at Giselle who arrived just as he was plating up the pancakes. She happily indulged.

"And you want me to bring him back home-"

"Sunday morning," Jeno finishes for them both, smiling against the rim of his coffee mug "if that's alright."

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