R Version pt.1

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Continued on from PG Version...

I divided this update into 2 chapters, one mostly focusing on the other couples while the next will focus on Nomin spicy time.

The following morning Jaemin woke up with a smile on his lips and a bounce in his step. It was a new day within a new year and so far everything had been perfect. He had woken up with the sun trickling through a crack in his curtains, something that he would have originally hated to experience.

His white socks helped to aid his slide against the floorboards, his body automatically returning to his old skating days which kept him from falling to the floor. He giggled quietly to himself as he entered the kitchen, eyes landing on Renjun who sat perched on his stool drinking his beloved lemon water. Upon seeing his fellow member the singer's lips curled upwards into a tightlipped grin, his eyes dusting over in a pink hue.

"Good morning~" Jaemin sang, skipping straight to the fridge in hopes of finding something to make for breakfast.

"Good morning," Renjun laughed, watching over the rim of his glass as Jaemin danced in front of the fridge. "did you have a good night last night?"

"You first," Jaemin teased, sending his friend a wink from over his shoulder. "you and Yang disappeared right after the fireworks ended. I literally had to hold Donghyuck back from going to look for you."

"Was Mark not much of a distraction?" Renjun snickered, almost spewing out his water onto the counter top.

Jaemin sighed from his place in the fridge, his hand working to close the door when he couldn't find anything to make. "Nope," he retreated to a stool next to Renjun. "and stop trying to avoid the conversation. I want all the details!"

"When did you become one for gossip?"

"New year, new me." Jaemin shrugged his shoulders, his smile never wavering from his lips. "Now come on, tell me everything!"

"Well," Renjun placed the glass down, his cheeks painting over in a pink hue. "when he offered his hand to me it was a while before I decided to take it. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he wanted to slow dance with me, like how romantic is that?!"

"I know I did it too." Jaemin giggled, feeling his own cheeks flush at the memory of Jeno's gentlemanly gesture. "I actually woke up this morning thinking that it was all a dream."

"Anyway I gave in because I'm weak for his stupid smile and we danced just like everyone else until the countdown, he took my hand and dragged me to my bedroom where he confessed and kissed me. Jaemin, he kissed me so sweetly that I almost died, my heart has never beat that fast before in my life!"

"That's so cute!" Jaemin squealed, muffling his shout with his hands. "Did anything else happen?"

"We spent the entire night just talking, he asked me if he could touch my waist or if he could kiss my neck and I almost purred like a fucking cat when I gave him permission."

"Consent, I like that in a man." Donghyuck moaned, entering the kitchen. Renjun almost spat out his water while Jaemin struggled to hold in his laughter, the sight of Donghyuck's messy head of hair was just too much to bear. "What?"

"Have you looked in a mirror this morning?" Jaemin coughed into his fist, masking his quiet giggles.

"I stayed in Jisung's room last night, clearly that guy doesn't care about his looks because there was not a single mirror in that place!"

Renjun worked to get his camera ready on his phone, Donghyuck merely allowed the attention as he pulled out a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. Jaemin watched as the eldest snapped a picture, snickering at the captured scene forever locked into his phone.

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