The Waltz

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The one in which Jaemin learns that he can actually dance a dance that Jeno has never had the opportunity of learning.

By some miracle Jeno and Jaemin had somehow managed to draw both of their alleged dance partners into one of the corners of the cafeteria for a much needed explanation. Jaemin thought it only sensible to conduct the meeting in a room full of witnesses, since there was no real knowing of how Jeno would react when they were right in front of them. Both Felix and Changbin had been avoiding them ever since that day neither of them had shown up in their practice room. 

Initially Jeno had apologized and simply assumed that Changbin had got the room number wrong, it came as quite a shock when he responded shortly after their reunited dance that there had in fact been no mistake. 

No, the number of the room is right, but your dance partner isn't me.
Have fun you two, use protection ;)

Frankly Jeno would have appreciated just the first part of that message, but he should have expected nothing less from a man whose known him for half of his life. After consulting Jaemin about their situation, the two had decided to get force a confession as well as an explanation. 

It was a miracle that they found them alone in the cafeteria, unsuspecting until they were already cornered. 

"Before you start, I thought I was doing you a favour!" Changbin explained through his mouthful of pepperoni pizza. Jeno could do nothing but shake his head, his arms crossing against his chest as he remained standing while Jaemin collapsed onto one of the closet chairs.

"I was coerced into this situation," Felix declared, both of his hands being raised palm-side up in surrender. "Changbin threatened me with blackmail material that I would much rather bury for all entirety than have exposed to the general public."

"So you signed both of us up together," Jeno's voice was deep, eyes locked with Changbin from across the table. The transferee sat smugly beneath his best friend's gaze, happily chewing on one of the grapes from Felix's lunch tray. "What's your endgame Bin?"

"Must I reveal my master plan so soon?"

"Considering the fact that you already know my feelings relating to this topic." Jeno placed the palms of his hands against the table, his lips curling in that threatening grin Jaemin had only ever seen Jeno use against two people in his life; Chase and Lucas. "You better start talking."

"Before I begin my explanation," Changbin coughed, shifting around in his chair clearly uncomfortable with the familiar glare. "Can you remind us how you two even got to know each other?"

"You know why." Jaemin deadpanned, stretching across the table to steal Felix's chocolate muffin. "Jeno agreed to fill in for my cheating ex-boyfriend after he broke his leg and since he already knew the routine it was an easy swap. What wasn't easy was the fact that we had to develop such a high level of trust in such a short space of time in order to accomplish it."

"But you guys developed such a bond that it transferred into your dancing, the emotion that came across when you both danced was incredible!" Felix announces, speaking his thoughts out loud. 

His lips pressed themselves into a thin line almost immediately after. It was public knowledge that Jaemin and Jeno didn't like talking about their trust-building process, most thought it was because that was when they first started realizing their feelings for each other. But that was just rumor. 

"Which is why I thought I would do you both a favour and submit your names as a pair for the project!" Changbin chuckled. "This project is the perfect opportunity for you two to dance together again, to show the Kim Jongin the incredible routines you two can create together. This project also goes towards your final grade, so why shouldn't you both give it your best -which in case you both haven't realised by now- is when you're working together."

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