911: We have an Emergency

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"Jaemin," Jeno whispered, halting the boy and his son in the hallway. "We both know that you don't want this." He walked right up to him and took both of his hands into his own. He smiled politely down at Jisung, who pouted when Jaemin's hand was rudely taken from his hold. "You're only choosing this because you're running away from something there."

"We're together here..." Jaemin whispers right back, his tears threatening to spill over. "I can't get hurt here and neither can you."

"I'm not really Jeno," Jeno explains, looking Jaemin square in the eye. "You know that. I'm just a fragment of your imagination and the real me is trying his hardest to try and get you back to him."

Jaemin struggled to look over Jeno's shoulder, or rather the dream Jeno who had helped him live his fantastical world for the past few days. He could faintly make out the real Jeno, his Jeno, standing right by his side and continuing to speak to him despite the fact that the words couldn't be heard now.

"You can't get hurt here..." Jaemin challenges, his chest aching. He knew that he was only a few minutes away from truly ceasing to exist, he was dying and he could feel it. "I can't go back there when I know that you might get hurt again-"

"You're being selfish." Jeno's dream version spats, taking him by the shoulders. "You're giving up before we even had the chance to start anything! You're giving up before you could hear me say I love you, you're giving up without even fighting-"

"I'm scared!" Jaemin defended his actions, shaking with the frustration that was building the more he started to realise that he was really fighting with himself. "I can't lose you again! I lost you for two minutes Jeno!"

"And I lost you for three minutes and fifteen seconds!" the real voice yelled right back. Jaemin felt his heart race as the Jeno in the hospital room and the one standing right in front of him started talking together. "Jaemin I know that I left you for two minutes, but please baby you can't leave me for longer. Lucas ruined our chances of figuring things out for ourselves, but I promise that I will try to be the person you want me to be if you promise to come back. You have to breathe now, baby, before it's too late."

Jaemin hadn't noticed that his building tears had finally broken through the barrier and his chest felt at least a little bit less heavy. He turned around on his heels and stared down at Jisung who had rushed to stand by his father's legs.

"I really thought that I would get you," he sighed, cuddling against Jeno's waist. "I really thought that you would stay with us... but you're going back, aren't you?"

"I think that I have too." Jaemin admitted, nodding his head. "I need to get back to you and tell you that I love you. I need to tell your Dad that too."

"You need to go," Jisung encouraged him, suddenly overcome with a level of excitement that Jaemin hadn't seen him possess throughout the entirety of his time there. "We're waiting for you Nana! Come quickly!"

They disappeared right in front of Jaemin's eyes, leaving him alone in the hallway with his parents. Baekhyun and Chanyeol each took a hold of his shoulders, and gently pulled him into their embrace. Jaemin sobbed in their hold and briefly nodded his head when they looked at him again.

"I love you both so much." He struggled to speak now, his time getting shorter.

"We love you too sweetheart, we always will." Baekhyun promised, looking just as upset as Jaemin felt.

"You have a family that are waiting for you back there, make sure that you don't come back here any time soon okay?" Chanyeol chuckled, but he seemed just as upset as his husband. "We're really proud of you and your sister. You're in relationships with people we would happily accept into the family, just make sure that you don't do any more stupid shit because we don't want to be back here coaching you through something like this again."

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