(Leonidas is gliding through Tamriel when he lands near Falkreath to stop for a rest)
(A dog walks up to Leonidas)
Barbas: You are exactly what I was looking for!
(Leonidas is a little confused, but decides to go with it)
Barbas: Skyrim is host to talking lizards, cat men, dragons, and deities. And now this. Yes, I can talk, and I am continuing to do so
Leonidas: Why were you looking for me?
Barbas: My name is Barbas. And I have a problem that I think you could help sort out
Leonidas: Well don't leave me in suspense. What do you need help with?
Barbas: My master and I had a bit of a falling out. We got into an argument and it got rather... heated. He's kicked me out of my home until I can find someone to settle out little disagreement. And that's where you come in
Leonidas: Lets go find him. And find out what your argument was all about
Barbas: Thank you. Now, since he banished me, he's rather weak. He can't manifest very far from one of his shrines
Leonidas: I'm guessing your master is no mere mortal...
Barbas: Nope. I know there's a cult that worships him at Haemar's shame. We should be able to talk to him there. If this works out, I'll make sure you're rewarded. Juts don't trust any offer that he makes you, ok?
Leonidas: Ok. Lets get going to Haemar's shame
(Leonidas picks Barbas up and glides to Haemar's shame with Barbas sticking his tongue out in the wind)
(They both go into a cave and find a bunch of cultists inside)
(Leonidas uses his bow to put some arrows into the cultists when he sees a vampire come out)
Vampire: Huh?!
Leonidas: YOL TOOR SHUL!
(Leonidas uses his fire shout to burn the vampire and turn him into a pile of dust)
(Leonidas and Barbas head deeper into the cave to find some cultists fighting vampires)
(The vampires finish off the cultists and start to feed on them)
Leonidas: I like my vampire cooked thoroughly
(Leonidas uses a fireball spell, and the explosion burns all of the vampires in the area)
(Barbas bites the head of a frostbite spider, crushing it with his jaws)
(As Leonidas and Barbas head even deeper into the cave, they see a group of vampires around a statue)
Leonidas: YOL TOOR SHUL!
(Leonidas uses his fire shout to burn a couple of vampires and jumps off the ledge)
(He lands on the master vampire and stabs him with the assassin blades)
(Barbas bites a vampire on the leg, then on the neck)
Barbas: There it is. The shrine to my master
Leonidas: This is a shrine to Clavicus Vile... Vile. I have a request for you
Clavicus: Then my all means, lets hear it. It's the least I could do, since you already helped me grant one final wish for my last worshippers. They were suffering so from vampirism, and they begged me for a cure. Then you came and ended their misery. I couldn't have planned it better myself. So, what does your heart desire? What kind of deal can we strike?
Leonidas: I'm not here to make a deal. I'm just here to reunite you with Barbas
Clavicus: Ugh .That insufferable pup? No deal. Request denied. I'm glad to be rid of him, even if it does mean that I'm stuck in this pitiful shrine, in the back end of nowhere. Well... perhaps there is a way that he could earn back his place at my side. Maybe. But no promises
Leonidas: What do you offer?
Clavicus: There is an axe. An incredibly powerful axe. One powerful enough for me to have quite a bit of fun indeed. If you bring it to me, then I'll grant you my boon, no strings attached. No messy surprises. At least not for you. As I recall, it's resting in brimerock burrow. Barbas can lead you right to it. The little mutt might even earn back his place at my side
(Leonidas exits the cave and climbs to the top of the mountain. He then jumps off with Barbas and glides to the top of another mountain. He leaps off of the top and uses his cape to slow his landing, leading him to a bridge, where a cave is open and waiting for him)
(Leonidas and Barbas slide down an icy hill inside the cave and see some flame atronachs)
Leonidas: FOH KRAH DIIN!
(Leonidas's frost shout makes the flame atronachs explode)
(A mage named Sebastian Lort comes out)
Sebastian: What the-?!
(Barbas tackles Sebastian and bites his neck)
Leonidas: Hello? What have we here?
(Leonidas takes a key off of Sebastian's corpse and uses it to open a case)
(Inside of the case is the rueful axe)
Leonidas/Barbas: Oh yeah
(Barbas high fives Leonidas with his paw)
(Later, back in Haemar's shame)
Clavicus: Ah, you got the axe! And my dog! Splendid
Leonidas: We're here. Now I want you to fulfil your end of the bargain
Clavicus: Excellent work. A hero and his faithful companion retrieving the ancient artifact for the prince. It's almost storybook. Ah, but it almost seems a shame to give a weapon like that away, doesn't it? But, I suppose I could be persuaded to let you keep it... But only if you use the axe to kill Barbas. Simple as that
Barbas: Wait a second. There's another option here. Give him the axe, and once we've reunited, the mask of Clavicus Vile will be yours
Leonidas: No deal. Keep your axe. It is of no use to me. As for Barbas, he will be loyal to whomever he chooses. And keep the mask. I already have one of my own
Barbas: I knew I could trust you!
Clavicus: Yeah yeah, dog gets master, master gets cosmic axe, everyone's happy. Have my boon and be done with it. I have more interesting deals to make
(Clavicus blesses Leonidas with a magic aura)
Just a Skyrim fanfic: Extended cut
FanfictionThere is one they fear. In their tongue is "dovahkiin". Dragonborn. FUS RO DAH! I own none of the art or music featured I do not own Skyrim