It's a trap

47 4 0

Malpen: Everyone, gather round! You'll want to hear this!

(Leonidas, Maximus, Serana, Miraak, Sialius, Ralof, Hadvar, and the other knights gather around Malpen)

Maximus: What is it?

Malpen: I recently received a letter from the head of the Skyrim branch of the aldmeri dominion. You can imagine my surprise at that

Miraak: What did it say?

Malpen: I'll get to that. As you are all aware, thanks to our efforts, the Thalmor have struggled to gain a foothold here in Skyrim. And it appears they have become desperate. I never imagined I would say these words, but they want to meet to discuss a truce

(Leonidas, Maximus, Ralof, and Hadvar start laughing)

Malpen: What's so funny?

Leonidas: They've tried this before. It ended with the Thalmor trying to massacre the whole council

Malpen: Yes, I am aware of that. The dominion are many things, but they aren't stupid. They know when they are beaten. This seems like a last ditch effort to maintain some dignity. I have no doubt they will spin the story in their territory in their favor, but as long as the war is over, I don't care. Leonidas. I want you and Maximus to attend negotiations. The dominion fear you two. There are few who can say that. I trust you will be able to hold your own and not give them any ground. They are coming to us for the negotiations, which means we are the ones with the bargaining power. What do you think?

Leonidas: It's obviously a trap

Malpen: This meeting is under a peace banner. Even the dominion respects that tradition. The negotiations will take place at fort greenwall. Head there and meet the rest of our party. We're in charge here, so don't give the dominion anything. Good luck

(Leonidas and Maximus go to fort greenwall with some of the knights)

Maximus: So. Do you think they'll honor the peace flag?

Leonidas: No. But on the off chance they do, we can finally end this

(They walk inside to find some knights, Thalmor soldiers, Achilles, and a high elf in heavy glass armor named Mithlian)

Achilles: Maximus

Maximus: Achilles

(Maximus and Achilles stare at each other intently)

(Leonidas and Mithlian shake hands)

Mithlian: The man himself comes to greet me. I'm honored. Shall we begin?

Leonidas: Of course

Mithlian: Very good

Maximus: Greetings everyone. Ladies and gentlemen. Knights and Thalmor. Let everyone present know that the terms of the peace banner are in effect

Mithlian: Yes, of course. Though, I must say, you have quite a few guards. A reasonable man would be suspicious

Maximus: I could say the same about you. Better safe than sorry. We are at war, after all. Unless we can change that in this meeting

Mithlian: Indeed we are, although I hope we can resolve that today. Are all of your men present?

Leonidas: (Whispers) I used a life detection spell. There is an army hiding in these walls. It's a setup

(Maximus nods to Leonidas)

Maximus: Yes. Everyone I am bringing to this council is in place. What about yours?

Mithlian: Oh, they are. More than you know. NOW!

Leonidas: MUL QAH DIIV!

(Leonidas transforms into his dragon aspect form as a bunch of Thalmor soldiers run ito the room and start fighting with the knights)

Leonidas: SLEN TIID VO!

(Leonidas zips around the room at an unnatural speed and kills a bunch of Thalmor soldiers with his sword)

(Leonidas and Achilles start sword fighting)

(Maximus reaches his hand out, summons mjolnir, and whacks a few Thalmor soliders with it)

(Mithlian tries to attack Maximus, but he gets fried by a blast of mjolnir's lightning)

(The knights manage to exterminate the Thalmor soldiers in the room)

(Leonidas kicks Achilles against a wall and points his sword at his neck)

Leonidas: Yield. And you live

(Achilles drops his dual swords, and Leonidas ties him up)

Leonidas: Interrogate him. Make him tell us all his secrets

Achilles: I'll never talk

Leonidas: Ha. They all say that at first

(Some knights take Achilles away for interrogation)

Leonidas: The Thalmor here are dead. But I took Achilles, a high ranking soldier as a prisoner

Maximus: Good. These bastards have no honor. We should get back to Solitude and tell Malpen what happened here

(Leonidas and Maximus head back to Solitude)

Malpen: They did what?!

Leonidas: It was a trap. They ambushed us. LIKE I TOLD YOU

Maximus: We have a prisoner. One of their highest ranking members. His name is Achilles

Malpen: I can't believe they attacked under a peace banner. The Thalmor truly are the lowest scum on the face of this plane. I'm sorry. It was naive of me to think they would honor such an agreement. Those involved with the aldmeri dominion are sure going to burn in oblivion now if they weren't already

Maximus: What should we do now? Should we interrogate Achilles?

Leonidas: Not yet. Make him build up fear and anticipation. But this little fiasco shows us how desperate the Thalmor truly are. They're losing this war and they know it

Malpen: Yes. This will all be over soon. We just need to hold out a little while longer

Just a Skyrim fanfic: Extended cutWhere stories live. Discover now