(Leonidas wakes up and finds himself on the throat of the world)
Dragons: Alduin mahlaan
(Paarthurnax and a bunch of dragons are flying around the throat of the world)
Dragon: Sahrot thur qahnaraan
Dragon: Dovahkiin los ok dovahkriid
Dragon: Thu'umi los nahot
Dragon: Mu los vormir
Paarthurnax: So, it is done. Alduin is defeated. The eldest is no more. He who came before others, and has always been
Leonidas: You don't sound very happy
Paarthurnax: Happy? No. I am not happy. Alduin was once the crown jewel of our father Akatosh's creation. You did what was necessary. Alduin had flown far from the path of right action in his arrogance of his power. But I cannot celebrate his fall. He was my brother once. This world will never be the same
Leonidas: I am sorry you lost your brother. But at least the world is safe without Alduin
Paarthurnax: I am glad you say that. And at least this world will continue to exist. Even I cannot see past time's ending to what comes next. We must do the best we can with this world. But I forget myself. Melancholy is an easy trap for a dovah to fall into. You have won a mighty victory. One that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see, and ears to listen. Savor your triumph, dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of time
Leonidas: Of that, I am certain
Paarthurnax: Goraan. I feel younger than I have in many an age. Many of the dovah are now scattered across Keizaal. Without Alduin's lordship, they may yet bow to the rightness of my thu'um. But willing or no, they will hear it! Fare thee well, dovahkiin!
(Odahviing flies into view)
Odahviing: I wish the old one luck on his quest. If Alduin himself could not stand against your thu'um, then I feel no shame in admitting my own defeat. As for myself, you have proven your mastery over the voice twice over. Thui, dovahkiin. I gladly acknowledge the power of your thu'um. Call me when you have need of me, and I will come if I can. For now I will help Paarthurnax with dovah related matters
Leonidas: Best of luck to both of you
Paarthurnax/Odahviing: And to you as well
Nahagliiv: All hail the dragonborn!
Vuljotnaak: All hail Paarthurnax!
Dragons: All hail the dragonborn! All hail Parthurnaax!
Just a Skyrim fanfic: Extended cut
FanfictionThere is one they fear. In their tongue is "dovahkiin". Dragonborn. FUS RO DAH! I own none of the art or music featured I do not own Skyrim