The Choice Part Five

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Here we are with part 5 of episode 9. There is still one part to go which will be the climax of the story as I am struggling a bit to finish and it's been over a month since the last update.

Last time, Joyce makes it to Hawkins, noting that the motel they're staying at is unoccupied and the traffic continues to head out in one direction. Deciding to investigate, Joyce and Murray head for the police station while Jonathan and Will head over to the Wheelers.

Once there, El sees Jonathan and Will and asks what they're doing here, Will asks to see Mike and El leads him to the basement where Will reveals what he's sensing and Mike reveals the truth about Hopper.

Joyce gets into contact with Steve and Robin and the two officers head back to the station. Once there, they all agree to head back to the Wheelers as there is something Joyce needs to know.

The detectives and the officers are being watched by Tamaz and Kisa who report what they know to their captain. Gromeko tells them to stay in position and keep and eye out for their quarry as Petrov will take over observation.

Upon reaching the Wheelers, Joyce leaves the group to head to the basement. She begins to explain what she knows and learns that the three teens already know some of it. Joyce reveals the truth about Magnusson to El who is shocked and wonders why he's so protective of her.

Mike pieces everything together and they all realize that USGS  is more than a simple cover. The fault lines of the New Madrid and the Wabash Valley are becoming more active, indicating that a powerful earthquake is about to occur. The seismic waves unleashed from this event will be strong enough to open all four gates at once, thus unleashing an apocalyptic event. That's why the teacher and his group of psionics are there. To stop the threat. But in order to do that,they had to evacuate the town without rousing national suspicion.

Mike and El decide to show Joyce the truth of Hopper and they head out for the cabin.

Making contact, a voice calls out from the CB radio and Joyce is thrown into a state of shock as she realizes that it's Hopper's voice she hears.

And now we begin!


Hopper's Cabin

"Yeah, kid, I'm here. Was your scavenger hunt successful?"

Joyce's eyes widened, a startled gasp escaping her throat. It wasn't... It couldn't be...


Joyce's voice came out as a whisper, laced with disbelief and she stared at the chalkboard. "How is this possible? Hopper... he died... it has... It has to be a trick..."

"No trick," El replied softly. "Hopper is alive and trapped in the Upside Down. We've... found a way to contact and communicate with him."

Reaching out, she grabbed a piece of chalk then held it out. "Ask him what happened... he'll tell you."

Joyce looked down at the chalk in El's hand and slowly reached out. Clasping the white stick, she nervously shuffled to the board and lifted her hand, words forming in shaky cursive as she wrote,

Hopper? Is it really you?

"Who is this?" Hopper's voice said through the CB.

It's me, Joyce, she replied.

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