Revelation Part One

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Here we are with another episode of ST.

Last time in part two Steve, Nancy, and Robin meet up at Mrs. Sharpe's house and found out more about the Blanchley family and learned that David Blanchley worked for Hawkins lab as a geologist and disappeared on night only to return two years later claiming he escaped from Russia. The trio decide to visit Pennhurst, a mental asylum in a nearby county where David was admitted by his family.

The Soviets have been monitoring everyone involved in the mall incident from 1985 and gathering intel. Their main target, however, is Mike. Their orders come from the First Chief Directorate scientific and research division (part of the KGB) to observe and wait until the right time to abduct the teen and take him back to Russia for... information.

Meanwhile Chem from the Hellfire Club puts in a water filter at the Wheeler Household to keep out the agent he will be delivering in the water supply later. This is per Reaper's instructions and Chem is curious as to why but does not question the orders directly.

Nancy comes home and teases her brother but reveals what she knows later on and Mike writes down a series of questions for his sister to ask Mr. Blanchley when she goes to see him. Nancy then speaks with El to better understand where the girl is in relation to Mike and answers a few of El's questions.

El returns to Mike and the two decide they are ready to take the final step in their relationship before taking care of their...aches... separately and retiring for the evening.

The chapter ends with Reaper, Chem, and Inferno infiltrating the Hawkins water plant and introducing a specific agent into the water supply. The affects of which will kick in within 24-48 hours. Chem worries that if he failed to make the agent strong enough, then the people in the town will stay and everyone will die in 5 days.

Now we begin part one of episode 8.

December 21, 1987 Pennhurst Mental Hospital

Steve drove his beamer underneath the arched iron sign marking the mental hospital, noting the stone walled buildings to his right as the car rolled along the paved and plowed drive. The grounds were well manicured everything appeared to be orderly and maintained, so why was he getting a creepy vibe from the place?

He slowed down upon reaching the parking lot, murmuring. "Looks like something out of a horror movie."

"I think the architecture is rather interesting," Robin said, drawing her attention towards the front of the vehicle as her partner parked his car. "The windows have a classic cathedral vibe to them."

"I suspect the inside may tell a different story," Nancy commented, grabbing her notebook and pen from the seat beside her before opening the door and sliding out.

Steve and Robin looked at each other briefly before joining their friend out of the car.

A gust of wind whipped through the lot, the cold making Nancy shiver and she clutched her notebook tight against her chest, shuffling towards the Gothic entryway.

Carefully she traversed the a set of shoveled and salted concrete steps, reaching the double set of wooden doors first and she reached out with a gloved hand, gripping the handle to pull the door open before stepping inside.

Stone walls met her eyes and she waited for Steve and Robin to join her before the three of them walked along the dimly lit corridor.

Steve looked around, frowning as he whispered to Robin, "This isn't creepy at all."

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