Unwelcome Guests

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Here we are with another update. All Fillie this time. Hopper and episode 5 will continue in the next chapter.

Millie's father has a plot that is starting to form in regards to Millie as I introduce JR, aka, the twat, into this story.  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with it.

No warnings this time, though there are no guarantees there won't be in the next Fillie chapter.

Onto the story!

Dear egotist boy
You've never really had to suffer any consequence
You've never stayed with anyone longer than ten minutes
You'd never understand anyone showing resistance

Dear popular boy
I know you're used to getting everything so easily
A stranger to the concept of reciprocity
People honor boys like you in this society


"And cut!" Matt's voice called out, coming out from behind the camera to approach his two young stars. "You guys did great as usual. Your regular attire can be found in the dresser in the bedroom. Go ahead and get dressed. After that, we'll discuss what we plan to do next."

Though Finn and Millie had no problem being naked, or in this case,half naked around each other, it still felt odd doing so in front of cameras and Matt's suggestion for them was followed without complaint as Finn lowered his arms back to his side, allowing Millie to back away.

She gave him a soft smile and a subtle motion to follow her as she pivoted sideways and headed into the bedroom.

The boy was right behind, closing the door quietly behind him,casting an admiring gaze over to the girl as she walked over to the dresser then pulled the top drawer open.

Millie reached in, pulling out a matching set of yellow shorts and a tank top.

Being mid August in Atlanta, it was sweltering and she was thankful for the change of clothing.

She shimmied out of her jeans, tossing them onto the bed before sliding the shorts up her legs. The tank top quickly followed and she turned to face Finn smirking as she caught him staring, her own eyes roaming up and down his form as he remained shirtless before her.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

Finn blinked at her question, slowly lifting his eyes to meet her amused gaze. "When haven't I enjoyed it?"

His tone was cheeky, which she loved.

"You know..." she paused,starting forward before coming to a stop before him, reaching up to trail her fingertips down his chest and abs, voice a bit husky, though her eyes twinkled, "I enjoy a good show, too."

Finn's breathing grew into a soft pant at her touch, smirking a bit as he chuckled. "Oh, I know you do, lover. But I think I'll ride back just like this."

Being called lover set a jolt of electricity through her veins though Millie frowned at his answer.

As much as she loved to ogle him, she wasn't much on sharing and the idea of him walking around shirtless for everyone to see triggered her possessiveness. "Finnie... the show isn't free for everyone to see."

Finn quirked an eyebrow, his smirk widening at her reaction. "Oh? Should I charge them then? Is it before or after I strip?"

She pouted at his words, the images dancing in her head less than pure. "Baby..." she whined. "Stop teasing me... it's not nice..."

His smirked remained. "I thought you liked when I teased you, kitten. Especially when I..."

Finn's voice died out instantly as a knock sounded out, making the two jump and move instantly apart.

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