There Is No Goodbye

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(Austin's POV)

"No, dude! We should totally do Lost in Stereo! The fans love that one!" Alex exclaimed.

I chuckled. Phil, Aaron, Tino and I had all gathered to meet at Alex's house to discuss our next tour with All Time Low and Sleeping With Sirens. Even though it was months away, we were all eager to start.

My phone began buzzing in my pocket. It was Alan. I answered it quickly.

"Hey Ash Tray." I chuckled.

Instead of his usual hearty greeting, I got panting and what sounded like crying. ""

"Alan, breathe. Say it again."

He spat out a panicked reply that made my heart leap in chest. "Jen's been shot. Meet us at the hospital." And he hung up quickly.

I couldn't breathe.

I dropped the phone and ran to the door. I threw it open and sprinted out into the brisk air, clothed in only a tank top, jeans and socks. I didn't care. I didn't feel anything at this point. I was numb to my surroundings, numb to the world.

"Austin! Austin, wait!" Phil called, as Aaron, Tino and Jack piled into the car, before he climbed in as well. "What's going on?"

"Jen was shot." I squealed out, hoping this was all just some awful nightmare.

A hushed silence fell over the car as we all tried to cope with the situation.

Was my baby dying?


(Jen's POV)

Pain. White, screeching, screaming pain. I tried to comfort Alan, but every time I opened my mouth to speak, the pain was too immense and I had to force myself to stop. A thick, warm sensation streamed down my neck and pooled in my collar bones. The smell was so strong, it was as if it pounded against my nostrils.

The man who fired at us was nowhere to be found. He probably fled as soon as he realized it was me he hit.

The sound of a siren flooded my eardrums and I could just barely make out the flash of the ambulance lights.

"Alan Ashby?" A man's voice asked. I caught a wild flash of red and I knew he nodded. "Did she ever lose consciousness?" The man asked.

"No, she never passed out but she lost a lot of  blood."

I felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher and laid inside the ambulance. The white fluroscent lights hurt my eyes, but I knew I couldn't close them so I could let the doctors know I was still alive.

The ambulance door closed. I looked around, but I couldn't see the familiar red hair that I knew so well.

"Where's my family?" I asked, wincing with every word.

"Mr. Carlile?" A nurse answered.

"Yes, but the rest of them too. Alan, Aaron, Phil and Tino. Where's my family?"

"They're on their way sweetie. They're gonna meet us at the hospital."

I felt my eyes begin to close against my will.

"We're losing her! Severe loss of blood! She's going into hypovolumic shock!" The nurse yelled.

The same doctor who wheeled me into the ambulance held my hand and whispered in my ear,  "God will never leave you or forsake you."

He was right.


(Austin's POV)

I gripped the steering wheel as if my life depended on it. No one said a word. No one even breathed.

An amulance whizzed by in the opposite direction towards the medical center. I knew in my gut that it was them. Alan sprinted close behind the ambulance.

I pulled the car over and broke down into hysterics. Tears fell from my eyes at a rapid rate. My hands shook as they held my head.  I could only helplessely stand by as my daughter's life hung in the balance.

The driver side door opened and Phil motioned for me to scoot over. He climbed in and floored the gas, speeding towards my baby girl and my best friend.

We screeched to a halt in front of the hospital as they pulled Jen out of the back. When I saw her, my heart was ripped from my chest. Her blonde hair was matted and hung in bloody clumps. A white bandage was placed over the cruel hole in her neck.

Alan rushed over to me. "Austin, it happened so fast-"

I ran past Alan and over to Jen. Her eyes were closed and her face was drained of color.

They wheeled her into the hospital and I chased after them, hoping to hold my baby in my arms for possibly the last time. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was brought down by security.

"Sir, you can't go in there! They're about to start their procedure!" He scolded. I couldnt hear him. His voice was drowned out by my own voice, screaming.

"Jenny! I love you! I will always love you! I will always be your father!"

Hehehehe, sorry.

A friend of mine from school reads my stories. Needless to say, she is none too pleased at the moment. (Shout out to Jessie when she reads this!)

Song- Wait by M83


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