You Stay Away From Her It's Not Her Time

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"HOW ARE WE, DENVER?!?" Austin yelled into the microphone. The crowd shouted and roared, making the stage rattle.

I stood off to the side of the crowd. I wasn't ready to be backstage yet.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to face a girl with green hair and too many piercings to count.

"Why do you look so bored? You're at an Of Mice and Men concert, for God's sake!" She yelled over the music. I just shrugged.

She looked me up and down, a look of disgust on her face.

"Why are you dressed like you just crawled out of an alleyway?" She scoffed.

I just shrugged again, and she rolled her eyes and left. I knew how to make people leave me alone.

I turned my eyes to the stage, as the band continued their song. They were good. Real good.

The song came to an end, and the huge crowd went nuts.

Austin raised his hands to quiet the rowdy fans.

"Hey guys. I have something I'd like to talk about for a minute." He turned and looked at me, with reassuring eyes.

Luckily, no one caught on.

"There's a girl here tonight. For her own personal reasons, I won't tell you who she is. But this song is for her."

The first few chords of a song began to play. Austin began singing (or screaming for that matter) into the mic. The only words I was able to make out were: You're not alone, you're with me.

Aaron's voice boomed through the venue, the sweet sound filling my ears.

The song ended, the crowd getting even rowdier than before.

The band played a few more songs, before finally closing their set.


The rest of the show went smoothly, with no other strange girls harassing me.

Tino found me in the crowd, keeping his hood up and his head down. He gave a friendly smile.

"Hey kid." He said, grabbing my hand.

He led me to the area where all the other OM&M guys were. A grassy area a little ways from the busses. Luckily, there were no fans around. I guessed that they were still hanging back the venue.

"Jen!" Alan yelled.

I felt arms wrap around my waist, and my feet left the ground. Out of pure instinct, I curled my arms around Alan's neck as he spun me around.

"Put her down you idiot." Tino laughed, attempting to pry me out of Alan's arms. Alan only tightened his grip on my thin body.

"Hell no!" He yelled, ruffling my hair.

"Guys, guys, we can all cuddle her later." Austin said, quieting the yelling men.

He reached out to take me away from Alan, but once again he just held me tighter.

"She's like my teddy bear." Alan whined. I heard him scoff, and I was set back down on the ground, nearly crying from laughter.

But then, I saw someone who made me stop laughing immediately.

"Hey there, little bitch!" The cackling voice of my mother yelled.


(Austin's POV)

Everything was blur. We'd just finished playing our set. Alan had called Jen his "teddy bear" and clung on to her for dear life. For a moment, she seemed genuinely happy; smiling brightly and giggling.

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