We Can Talk it Out

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(Austin's POV)

I walked through the doorway of Jen's room and stared in shock. The wall had huge craters in it, with slight ridges to fit the mold of knuckles. The mirror laid in bloody shards on the floor. The wood was dotted with drops of blood.

I ran over the holes in the wall with my fingers. "Jen, what did you do?" My voice was tense and soft, all at the same time.

She explained everything to me in detail. I was shocked, angry, devastated, confused.

"Jen, I'm so sorry." I placed my hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"I still have that little bit of hope that it's not what it seems. I know the chances are slim, but I'm still holding on." She nodded. "I don't think he realizes how easily he could destroy me. His hands are so gentle, but one wrong look from him, one a little less filled with love, and I think my heart would shatter. And who knows if he would try to fix me?" She stared at her lap and shook her head. "I love him. I really do. I mean, how often do you find a person that admires your little weird habits, puts up with your shit, and still can say that they like you at the end of the day?"

I sighed and folded my hands in my lap. "When I was about your age, I met this girl. She was so beautiful and I thought I was in love with her. When I worked up the nerve to talk to her, she kept telling me what she looked for in a boyfriend. Long story short, I changed everything about myself for her. And she broke my heart. I came home crying and my mom..." I felt a lump rise in my throat and I took a deep breath, forcing it back down. Once I regained composure, I continued. "My mom told me something I'll never forget." I sighed. "A snake was hit by a car. A woman picks him up, feeds him, and gets him to a full state of health. But then he bites her, injecting her with his fealty poison. On her death bed, she asks, 'After all I did, why me?' The snake responds, 'You knew I was a snake when you picked me up.'" Jen nodded, and I patted her knee. "Just some food for thought."

"Some month, huh?" Jen chuckled.

Indeed it was. Over the course of February alone, Jen had been shot, learned her mother planned to kill anyone to get to her, and listened to her boyfriend possibly cheating on her. Some month indeed.

One good thing came to mind. On the next tour, we were scheduled to have a week off in Orlando, Florida. And with the help of Mickey Mouse and his friends, I planned to give Jen the birthday celebration that she deserved, even if it was a few months late.

Sorry these updates have sucked lately! Be patient with me :)

Chapter song: Tell Me by Failed Flight.


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