Leaving the Lab

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"I want to be with you, it's as simple and as complicated as that." ~ Charles Butowski


When the light goes away, Klance suddenly stands in front of me, no sign of the two boys that stood there a second ago.

"Fuck," he mutters, looking at his hands.

"Klance? You're-you're a fusion?"

He chuckles worriedly, "Yes?"

I hear an alarm go out, "We'll talk about this later, now we've gotta leave, fast."

I run towards the door, Klance following right behind. Nyma and Rolo stand in front of the door, both with the yellow weapon in their hands. "You leave, I can take them," Klance says.

"Are you crazy, you will lose, I'll try to get through them, then you can follow me."

He sighs, but nods agreeing to the plan.

I walk up to the two scientists, acting somewhat scared, "What's going on?" I ask.

"The two boys got loose, we don't know where they are." Rolo replies.

I'm sure more people are needed at the other exits, hand me one of your light thingies, and I'll cover this door, I took martial arts, and I'm older than the two boys."

They nod and Nyma replies, "Good idea." As she hands me her yellow light tool.

They head in opposite directions, and once they're gone Klance runs through the door, with me following right behind him.

"Where are we, and how do we get back home!" He yells.

He follows me to my car and gets in the passenger side while I start driving. "We were at the lab my father works at, and I'm getting us back to my hometown, where you guys live. But when were you gonna tell me you're a fusion?"

We finally make it to the highway, and I drive as fast as I can without getting in trouble with the cops. "How the fuck am I supposed to tell somebody, that I'm made out of two people because there are rocks implanted on my hands?!"

"Just like that, we're about twenty minutes from town, you'll have to tell me where to go so I don't park anywhere near there."

"I want to go to a house in Springs Creek. And can I borrow your phone so I can call someone?"

"Okay, then I'll park away from Springs Creek, and here."

I hand him my phone, he quickly separates into the two boys. Keith taps numbers out and after a minute yells, "Shiro, yes it's me. I don't have time to explain, but you know where Lance lives? Okay, good, get Adam and go to the house, please."

He hangs up and hands the phone to Lance, "Mama, Los guardianes de Keith van a venir, déjalos entrar, un amigo nos lleva a casa. No dejes que nadie más entre, te explicaremos más adelante."

He hands the phone back as we make it back to town. 

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now