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I'm bad at titles, (sorry) ~Frog

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full with doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence"~Charles Bukowski


Lance's POV

I'm at the Altean diner in town, run by Coran, who Pidge, Hunk and I have become friends with. I've finished eating, but I'm drinking a blueberry milkshake, as Pidge is trying to explain her newest invention, but I don't understand a word she's saying.

"I know you guys don't have professor Shiro's first aid class," Hunk says, "But I wish you could've saw what he showed the class."

"What was it," I ask, leaning forwards excitedly.

"A healing pod, he showed us how to work it. But, he said that we could never go in with more than one person at a time."

"Did he say why?" I ask.

"No, he said he couldn't say the details in class."

"My dad works at the lab they created those, I know why," Pidge says. Hunk and I look at her intently, and she continues in a whisper so nobody outside our table can hear us.

"They tried a few tests, most of them heard each others thoughts, and made a lot of them go insane, two of which killed themselves."

Hunk and I gasp. "No way," I say, but she nods a yes.

"The other two pairs gained gems on their body, and they're doing tests on them."

Hunk's phone rings, he picks it up, a timer. It's eight thirty, he runs out the door, waving bye. Pidge gets up too. "Why are you leaving so early, we usually stay here longer," I say disappointed.

"Sorry Lance, but my brother's coming home from college tomorrow, my mom wants me to get a good night's sleep. Sorry, bye." I smile and watch her walk out the door.

I finish my milkshake alone, the only sound being conversations at other tables. I throw away my cup. "Talk to you later Coran!"

The mustached man pokes his head out the kitchen and waves, "Bye Lance!" I walk outside, and decide to walk to the fountain in the front of the school. I've done it before, it's always really pretty in the moonlight.

It doesn't take long, but when I look towards the school, I see James and Keith standing there. I watch James reach for his pocket, something glimmers in the moonlight. A gun.

Keith's POV

I stand facing James in front of the school, about five feet away from each other. "So you did show up," I say.

"Yea, and I'm gonna win this fight," he replies with a sneer.

"I doubt it." He smirks.

He pulls a gun out of his pocket and points it at me. His finger's on the trigger, there's a loud bang, and before I can react, somebody jumps in front of me.

I lean over the person, who I find out is Lance, knocked out on the ground, bullet hole in his stomach, blood seeping from him. James runs away, and I start to cry. I don't like seeing this, like this, blood in his chestnut brown hair.

He literally took a bullet for me, how can I save him. Then I remember the pod in the school. I pick up Lance, bridal style and rush into the school building. Which is a little hard since he's a couple inches taller than me.

They forgot to lock the doors, good. I run into Shiro's room.

The pod is still up, I punch in the password 0709. He's knocked out, probably from blood loss, can't possibly stand. I don't care what Shiro said, for him to heal, I need to be in the pod with him, holding him upright.

We get in, and the door closes, and everything goes black.

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