Bad at Titles

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"You thought the shine in your eyes was just the reflection of the stars you could never reach, but I knew better. I swear you had the universe in you and galaxies were peeking through"~Ariana


Lance's POV

I sit on my bed at about one in the morning thinking about what happened with Keith at his house. That was almost a week ago, we haven't fused again, but he's still hanging out with Hunk Pidge and me at school. He gave me my jacket back, but I kind of want to give it back to him, so he has something from me to add to his collection of keepsakes.

When we became Klance, it's like I felt a little more whole, like I was complete. I used to think I was complete, but right now, I just feel like half of a better whole.

I look at the blue gem on my hand, this has to have something to do with it all. I've danced with people before, but I've only ever fused with Keith, and he had a red gem. I can't sit still, I have to go for a walk, but my mom would probably be mad.

I climb out my window and start walking to the prettiest spot in town, the fountain near the school.

When I get there I see a figure sitting on the side. It's too dark, to see who they are this far away. I walk closer, and they turn their head. "Lance!" Keith's voice rings out with surprise.

"Keith?' I ask. "What are you doing here?"

"I come here a lot at night, I like the water and the stars."

I sit beside him and look at the sky, "Yea, me too. I'm not supposed to be out, I had to sneak out the window."

He giggles, and I feel my heart start to race. I turn back to him, though he probably can't see without light. "Um, actually, I-uh. Do you want to try the thing again? Klance?"

I swallow hard, but hear a faint, "Yea."

"We danced last time when it happened, should we do that again?"

"I guess."

I stand up and start dancing, and I know he is too, though I can't see him well. Our hands brush, so I grab his hand, and the bright light comes from our hands again.

I stand up, now as Klance and smile. "Lets go on a walk, it's night, so not as many people will be out," I think out loud.

I walk down the road and into town. We don't live in a big city, the buildings and businesses are well spread out, but there are street lights along the sidewalk. I walk down the sidewalk nervously at first, but when people don't look at me weirdly, I get more confident.

Two girls walk by me, one with long wavy white hair, and the other with blonde hair, I almost tower over them, being at least five inches taller. I point finger guns at them, they look at me and look back at each other and laugh. I get worried when they stop.

The one with the white hair starts speaking in a British accent, "Who are you? I've never seen you around here before."

"I'm Klance, but you can call me the man of your dreams?" I say in a strange tone, like I'm trying to flirt, but I sound awkward, and I feel I slight uncomfortable tug at my insides, like I'm being pulled apart.

The blonde one speaks, but she isn't British, "Well, you're definitely new here, I'm Romelle, and this is my girlfriend, Allura."

My eyes widen and I feel my face go red. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I wouldn't have-" I put my hands against my chest, "I'm bi," I slap myself in the face, "I'm so sorry." The uncomfortable feeling goes away.

Allura perks up, "You're bi? Me too."

"I'm so sorry for hitting on you both, especially with your girlfriend right there." I slap myself in the face again.

"It's alright," Romelle says.

"I'll leave you two on your own, and continue my walk," I say.

"Okay, and Klance, it's nice to meet you," Romelle says, while Allura nods in agreement.

I start to feel the uncomfortable pulling feeling again, but stronger. I jog away from town into a field near the woods. While bright light spurts out, I almost painfully seperate back into Keith and Lance.

Keith's POV

No, I can't get attached. It even mixed our sexuality, well now he knows I'm gay, he probably won't want to talk to me anymore.

Tears start rolling silently down my cheeks, no, I can't fall for another straight boy.

"Keith?" I hear Lance ask quietly behind me. I cover my mouth, hoping he won't hear me choke on my sobs. "Is something wrong?"

"Klance is a mix of the two of us," I say, hoping he won't hear the quiver in my voice.

"Yea, whats wrong with that?" He pauses, "Why are you crying?"

I feel his presence in front of me. "You heard us, Klance is bi."

"What's wrong with that?"

"That means I'm gay, you can stop talking to me, do whatever," I almost whisper the last line.

I feel his arms wrap around me, "I'm not going to stop talking to you because of that. Honestly, I suspected you were gay anyway."


"Dude, look at your outfit, you believe in a cryptid, how you lived in Texas, but sound like that, also you've literally never shown interest in any girl ever."

I keep crying, but more out of frustration than anything. "You don't think it's weird that a gay guy is like fusing with you? You don't want to stop being Klance?"

He takes his arms off of me. "No? If I was homophobic, I wouldn't have been so nice to Adam or Shiro when they came over."

I put my face in my hands, as he continues, "And it's a lot a fun being Klance with you, do you really not know how fun you are?"

I'm glad it's so dark, so he can't see my blushing face, "No?"

"Well, you are, and Pidge and Hunk think so too. Especially Pidge, she told me she likes having another shortie in the group." I punch him lightly on the arm and he laughs. "So we're good?"

My stomach fills with butterflies, "We're good. Also, from what it sounds like, you should probably get home, before your mom finds out."

"You're right." He pauses. "Do you maybe want to do this again tomorrow? At Twelve, so we can be out longer."

I nod, but then remember he can't see me, "Yea. Fountain again?"

He chuckles, "Yea."

I start walking home, my face burning up, my head and stomach twirling. It's official, I'm gone for Lance, and I hate myself for it.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now