Coming Out

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"We aren't in love until we give someone a part of ourselves we can never take back" ~Michael Xavier


Eventually, everybody is full, and mama doesn't give out anymore food.

"Dios mio mama," Veronica says.

Papa chuckles and Keith looks at me. I share a worried look back, but he smiles and squeezes my hand comfortingly.

Mama walks back and sits down at the table, having washed and put up the dishes. "Mama, Papa," I start.

They turn and look at me, "Yes Lance?" Mama asks.

I take a deep breath, "I-I want to tell you something, please don't think of me any different."

"What is it?" Papa asks. Veronica and Luis look up to watch their reaction.

I stand up and let them see Keith and I holding hands, "I-I'm bi. I mean, I like girls, and guys. Keith is my boyfriend."

I look at the ground. I feel mama's arms wrap around me. "Porqué pensaríamos peor de ti por eso? Lance, te amamos pase lo que paso." I feel tears running down my face.

"He thought we thought he was straight?" Papa chuckles to Veronica and Luis.

I give him a confused look as Mama motions her hand over her throat.

"What? How did you know?" I ask.

"You came and asked us for permission to ask out a male classmate when you were five."

Luis chuckles, "Oh yea, I remember that."

I turn red, "How did you know that wasn't just me being a kid?" I ask defensively.

Veronica looks up at me, "Lance, still to this day you suggest makeovers with Rachel and me. Also, you have never introduced a girl as your girlfriend."

"They're never interested in me! I can't help that!"

"It's because you talk and act the way you do! You're a flamboyant person, so you seem gay!" She yells.

"Well, anyway," Mama cuts in. "I'm glad you trusted us, and I'm glad it's a boy as polite as Keith."

He smiles awkwardly as she turns to him, "But Keith, tell me if Lance ever hurts you, I'll make him regret it."

"He wouldn't," he says.

Mama takes his hands in hers, "But please tell me if he does." She turns to me, "but, also tell me if he hurts you. If anything happens to either of you because of the other..." She trails off and looks down at her hands on Keith's.

I look at him, confused. His eyes are wide, and I see him sweating. She unfolds her hands, and turns his over. I realize what she's doing, and I feel my heart start beating faster.

Keith swipes his hand away from her, "Is something wrong? Your hand felt weird." She comments.

He shakes his head, "No, it's just a small rash."

I widen my eyes widen, and I know that was the wrong thing to say.

She grabs his hand again, "Let me see how bad it is."

She takes off his glove and stares at the red gem on his hand. "What's this?" She asks lightly. Veronica, Luis and Papa lean over to see what she's talking about.

"It's fake!" I say a little too loudly. They turn to me and I show them my hand, "See, I have one too, they're just fake, we got them yesterday."

Keith looks at me like I'm crazy. "Well, take them off, they look stupid," Veronica says.

My face drops and I cross my arms, "No, I can do what I want."

"You know, I should really be getting home. Thank you so much for the dinner, and it was amazing to see you again Mrs. McClain," Keith says hurriedly. "Maybe we could work on some project together sometime."

"I'll walk him home," I say, trying to get away from them.

We walk out the door together, but don't speak until we're a little ways from the house.

Keith turns to me, "What the fuck was that?!" He asks.

"I don't know, I panicked," I smack myself in the face.

"Hey, no need for that," he takes my hand away from my face and holds it.

"Yes, there is need, I told them we both have gems, and that they're fake. Eventually, probably sooner than later, they'll figure out they aren't."

"We can wait till then. I have no clue what your mom told you about liking guys, but trust me, based on everything, they'll all be surprised of course, but they won't stop loving you for it." He gets on his tiptoes and kisses my forehead, making me laugh.

I'm glad that we're in the meadow outside town, away from anyone, because we start fusing.

I stand there, Klance once more. But as I turn towards town, I see a man standing there, wide eyed.

I seem to freeze in place. "This is a dream," I say holding my hands out.

The man looks at my hands, and pulls something out of his pocket.

It looks like some weird metal stick, but it starts giving off a strange yellow light, sparks flying from it. He points it towards me.

I try to back away, but he closes in on me, and puts the thing against my chest.

Suddenly it feels like lightning is striking my body, I'm in so much pain. I look at my arms to see strange yellow marks crawl up them. I feel myself being painfully separated from Keith, but it's not like before, it's worse than that.

I slam against the ground, and open my eyes slightly to see Keith across from me. I try to reach towards him, but everything goes dark.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now