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"I feel cheated in the moments I don't get to spend with you, yet it makes me love the ones I do"~A.R Asher


Lance's POV

We became Klance again the next day at Twelve, just as promised. We did it again on Tuesday. It soon became habit.

We'd go through the school day, only seeing each other at lunch, but fusing at midnight. I soon found myself almost searching for him, hoping to see him in the halls. Whenever I did, I'd wave and smile, my heart fluttering.

He became more comfortable with me, Pidge and Hunk. He and Pidge got along great, being the short brainiacs they are. I found myself smiling at random points at just the thought, or mention of him. I've never really done this before, I've never quite felt like this.

But the best moments of the day were always late at night, when we'd become Klance. I wish we could fuse during the day, so people could see Klance, and how amazing we are. But, Klance did become friends with Allura, Romelle and Coran.

The three of us would go to Altea diner and talk to Coran, sometimes for over an hour.

Right now I sit at my desk in second period, English. I'm not paying attention to anything but the clock on the wall, waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. Nobody has this class with me, Keith and Pidge are both in honors English, and Hunk doesn't even have English this semester.

The bell rings, I get up quickly and hurry to the cafeteria, sitting down at our table, Hunk right behind me. I always brought my lunch, Hunk made his too, but Pidge and Keith ate school food. Hunk turns to me, "Lance?"

"Yes?" I ask skeptically, I very rarely hear this tone of his voice.

"You know I know you're bi."

"Yes?" Where is this going?

"Be honest, do you like Keith?"

"What? No, why would I-on Mullet, no."

"So, that's a yes," I sigh, I'm practically transparent with him.

"I think I have a problem Hunk, ugh, it's awful." I put my face in my hands. "But it's like everything he does is cute, his laugh, how smart he is. And his eyes are amazing, I think when I looked in his eyes he must've took my reached out to take over my brain, so I can't think of anything but him."

Hunk chuckles, "Well, I'll tell you this, whenever you're around, Keith is almost always red. And I don't think it's because he's hot."

"But he is," I wink, Hunk rolls his eyes.

Pidge and Keith walk up and sit at the table. "What are you losers talking about?" Pidge asks.

I blush a little, but Hunk just says, "Lance being typical Lance."

"So, annoying?" Keith asks.

"Hey!" I reach my arm across the table and punch his shoulder. "I was being charming."

"So talking about girls again," Keith deadpans.

"You know it," I say pointing finger guns at him. He tries to stifle laughter, but gives into a fit of giggles, making my heart melt, and I start laughing, Hunk joins in, followed by Pidge. We're all laughing, with people staring at us like we're rabid squirrels.

When we calm down Pidge perks up, "I just remembered, my parents are finally allowing you three to have a sleepover tomorrow. Tell me if you can or can't make it."

"I can," Keith says, "Nothing better to do."

"I can," I add.

"I might not be able to, but we'll see though. Even if I can't come, don't cancel plans."

Pidge nods, "Okay," she then whispers something to Hunk, making him laugh.

"Well, you have the air mattress, so at least there's that." He says, leaving me and Keith shrugging at each other, confused.

"Pidge," I get her attention, "Have you had any updates from your dad about the two pairs in the experiment, the ones with the gems?"

Keith gets serious and listens intently as she answers. "Yea, one of the pairs like danced or something, and you won't believe this." She starts whispering, while Hunk, Keith and I lean in to hear her. "They transformed into a single person, the two people became one bigger person."

Keith and I look at each other. "They also found this chemical that has no effect on normal people, but the ones with gems are knocked out for a while. The other pair, the one that was a married couple seemed to get even more attached to each other than before, like an obsession."

I look away, my face red. Is that why I feel this way with Keith?  "Anything else?" I ask nervously.

"No, but I'll give you updates."

"Cool," Hunk says. I glance at Keith, looking back at me with an unreadable expression.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now