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"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing"~Helen Keller


Keith's POV

I brought nothing to Pidge's house but a change of clothes. Hunk did make it to the sleepover, and I seem to be the only one without a blanket. "Why didn't you bring a blanket?" Lance asks.

"Was I supposed to?" I ask, sitting on the floor in Pidge's room.

"Yea," Hunk says.

"Just saying, I refuse to share the bed with you again Lance. Not after last time." Pidge says.

"Then I call dibs on bed," Hunk says smiling. "So you're stuck with Lance on the air mattress Keith."

I flush a little, but ignore it. "What happened last time?" I ask Pidge.

"I woke up and he was hugging me, while mumbling in his sleep, saying things like, teddy bear," she glares at him.

"Hey! It's not my fault I'm a cuddly sleeper," Lance says defensively.

"Sorry Keith, but unless you sleep on the floor, you'll have to deal with him trying to snuggle with you," Hunk adds.

The bedroom door opens, making me jump. Someone who looks like a slightly taller version of Pidge walks in. "Hey Matt," Hunk says.

"Are you guys playing truth or dare yet?" He asks.

Lance's eyes light up, "No, but we totally should!" I roll my eyes, I hate that game, it is a game of regrets.

"Sure, what were you doing, Matt?" Pidge says with a smirk, making me worried.

"I was figuring out who the blood at the school the other day belonged too. And, I'm joining, losers," Matt says, sitting down between me and Pidge.

"Who's going first?" Hunk asks.

Lance smiles, "Pidge, truth or dare?" He asks.


"I dare you to brush your teeth, then chug a glass of orange juice."

She sighs, and walks into the bathroom. We follow her, and watch her brush her teeth. She runs to the kitchen, pours a glass of orange juice, and drinks it. She sets the glass down with her nose turned up in disgust.

We sit back down where we were, laughing. But she smirks, "Keith, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I'm too scared to take a dare from her with that look on her face.

She pouts, "Fine, then who do you think is the most attractive person here?" She smirks.

My face heats up, "Why Pidge, why?"

"Answer the question, Keith."

I sigh, "Lance," I barely mutter.

"What was that?" She asks smirking.

I glare at her, "Lance."

Lance looks at me, and gives me a shit eating grin, "I know I'm handsome, but wow."

I glare at him, "Hunk, truth or dare?"


"Who do you have a crush on?"

He turns red, smiling sheepishly. "Shay," he answers.

"Aww, someone's in love," Lance teases.

"Says you," Hunk says punching his friends shoulder.

Lance puts a hand over his mouth, "Shh."

"Matt truth or dare?"


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