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"Don't fall for sweet words, fall for sweet efforts"~Unknown


I look around me, I'm right outside the small cabin in the desert, where I lived with my dad. I see the house, my dad standing in the doorway, waving at me, calling my name.

But, the house catches on fire, I run towards it, but I'm not getting any closer to it. Then the house, and my dad are gone.

Leaving me alone. I couldn't get back to the house in time.

I turn around and see my house that I live in with Shiro, with Shiro standing on the porch. But another fire starts, spreading slowly from the stairs up. Shiro looks at me, fear in his eyes. I feel warmth overtake me, as fire surrounds me. "No! Shiro!" I scream.

I wake up with Lance's arms around me, I'm on the air mattress in Pidge's room. I'm shaking, a few tears staining my cheeks, even though Lance has put his blanket over me, and his arms are wrapped around my waist. I try to breathe normally.

I feel Lance get close to my ear, as he whispers to me. "You're okay, it's just a nightmare, you're okay," he whispers.

I start to cry silently, remembering the sight of my father's burnt body in the ashes of our house. Lance hugs me tighter, whispering comforting words in my ear. "Everything's fine, you're okay."

My breathing starts to become more normal, but I know I won't be able to get to sleep easily again. My skin is still sticky with sweat, but my stomach is bursting with butterflies and my heart beating is fast.

"Keith?" Lance asks. I turn over on the mattress and face him. "What are your nightmares about?"

I sigh, swallowing hard. I don't answer the question, but instead ask, "Why did you hug me?"

"When I had nightmares, my mom would hug me, and comfort me like that, then she'd ask what the nightmare was, it always made me feel better. You don't have to tell me though if you don't want."

We lay in silence for a moment but I gulp, "They're about my dad," I finally answer, "And Shiro."

"What happens?" He asks, as I feel him put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"They used to happen a lot, but this is the first one in a while. They basically show my dad burning, and how he's gone, then show the same thing happening with Shiro."

"Jeez, I'm sorry," he says. I try to smile at him to thank him for being here, though he can't see it. He rubs his hand on my upper arm, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know, I've never told anyone about the nightmares."

Lance wraps his arms around me, and hugs me close. I hesitate, but hug him back, and I feel the tears dripping slowly down my cheeks. "I'll be here for you if you need me to be," he says almost inaudibly.

"Thank you," I whisper back.

The familiar bright glow comes from our gems

We fuse into Klance, and I look up and see Hunk staring wide eyed at us.

"Keith? Lance?" He whispers at us, I keep quiet. but, he turns on the lamp beside the bed.

He stares straight at us, as Klance. I feel the uncomfortable pull, as the bright glow comes back, and we're pushed away from each other.

I glance at the small girl beside him with worry, but luckily she's still asleep. "Hunk, this isn't what it looks like," Lance says.

"I don't know what it's supposed to look like."

"Hunk, you're dreaming," I say. Lance and I tuck ourselves back under the blanket on the mattress, and lie facing each other, our wide eyes plastered with fear.

Hunk eventually turns off the light and slurs, "Weird dream, sleep."

Lance drapes his arm over my side, "I'm still here for you," he whispers, putting his forehead against mine.

I fall back asleep, laying like that.

I love comforting/cuddling tropes, and wanted to try it.

~Frog <3

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now