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"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring"~David Bowie


Lance's POV

A strange door opens and I step out of whatever I was standing in. Though I remember jumping in front of a bullet, I don't feel pain, was it all a dream?

Then Keith, Keith Kogane steps out with me. He looks at me with worry in his eyes, "Are you still hurting?" He asks then he looks at my stomach, there's a hole in my shirt with dried blood splattered on it. "It doesn't look like you're still bleeding," he says more to himself.

"No? I'm not hurting, but where am I, and why am I here?"

He looks me in the face, "You took a bullet to the stomach, so I brought you to Shiro's class, so the pod could heal you."

"That explains everything but why you were in there with me." Why did he do that, Hunk said Shiro specifically said to never get in the pod with another person.

"You where knocked out and couldn't stand up on your own, I had no other choice."

"Are you hurting then?"

"No?" He says, a confused look on his face.

"Can you hear my thoughts?"

"I don't know." This guy is stupid.

"Well you obviously aren't dead."

"What is this about?"

"Those are what went wrong with the pods with two people, according to Pidge. But nothing seems to have happened." My eyes widen, when I see my left hand, there's a blue gemstone on my palm, that looks like it's implanted on my skin.

I show it to Keith, "Do you have one?"

He takes of his left glove, nothing. His right, there's a red one on his palm, that looks similar to mine. Why do we have these? They don't hurt. I hold my palm beside his.

Pidge mentioned this happening before, but why? I need to look into this more later, or just ask Pidge for updates occasionally.

I look at Keith, into his eyes. I've never really noticed before, but they're purple. They're an entrancing shade of violet, like galaxies are held within him. I could get lost in his eyes permanently.

I'm snapped out of my trance, "Wait, what time is it?"

He shrugs, so I look at my phone. 12:25, "Shit, shit, my mom's gonna kill me," I say and run home as fast as I can.

I get to the house and try to sneak in, but the lights turn on, my mom's behind me. "Qué crees que estás haciendo para llegar a casa tan tarde?" She asks angrily.

I don't turn around, but reply, "I'm sorry mama, it'll never happen again without telling you, I promise."

"Go upstairs and go to sleep," I run upstairs.

I change out of my bloody clothes and into a clean pair of boxers, and get in bed. But I think about how Keith could've left me for dead, but he didn't, why? We're rivals. He looked genuinely relieved when I wasn't hurt anymore.

Keith's POV

Lance runs out of the room, "Thank you for saving me," I almost whisper, raising my hand in a slight wave. I look at the blood on the floor, left from when I brought Lance to the pod.

I walk to the janitor's closet and pull out the mop, bleach and water, and start mopping the floors. Nobody needs to know about this, Lance can decide whether he wants to tell anybody.

I came so close to losing him, a bullet hit him, a literal bullet, blood flowing from him like a ruby river. Though he's never known it, he's one of the only people I cared about.

I saw the way he laughed with his friends, he was obviously the comedian. When working, he would lightly tap his finger on the desk, if he couldn't do that, he'd bounce his leg.

His smile, bright white smile, it doesn't matter if it was a smirk, a sneer, it's beautiful. The way freckles seemed to dance across his face. His blue eyes, deeper than the ocean. I could've lost all that, everything, I could've lost him.

I don't realize for a moment, but tears are rolling slowly down my face. I'm trying to clean, but they won't stop.

After a while I finally stop crying, soon after, I finish cleaning all the blood, including outside. I put the stuff back in the janitors closet and walk home.

I know Shiro's asleep, so I just walk to my room, knowing I won't be able to sleep tonight, but I change out of my blood stained clothes.

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