Hide and Seek

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"Even if you don't change the world, you change individuals." ~Daniel Howell


Lance's POV

Keith and I jump out of the car and start running to my house as Allura starts driving away to throw them off.

When we get close, the door opens and we run inside, my mom locking the door behind us. My family, Keith's and Hunk all wrap us into a hug as we all start crying. 

"Where have you two been?" Shiro asks when we all pull apart, holding Keith's face in his hands. 

I gulp as we glance at each other, knowing we have to tell them. "We were in a lab or something like one, I don't know where."

"A lab? Why were you in a lab for three weeks?" Hunk asks worriedly.

"That one's harder to explain," Keith starts.

I sigh, knowing my mom's gonna get angry really quickly, "A few months ago, I got shot while Keith was around."

"You what!" My mom, Adam, Hunk and Veronica all say at the same time.

This time Keith answers, "I got in a really bad fight and the other guy pulled out a gun, but before I got shot, Lance jumped in front of me." Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy as Keith continues. "But Shiro told me about the healing pods, so I quickly took him to the one in the school, but he was to weak to stand on his own, so I had to be in the pod with him."

"That could've killed you," Shiro says.

I start again, "I know, but when we got out, all that had happened to us were these." Keith and I hold out our hands to show our gems.

Pidge's eyes widen and Luis adds, "That's what those are."

"We started getting closer to each other after figuring out that we could do this." I glance at Keith, asking for permission after saying that. He gulps, but nods.

I grab his hand, focusing, and we soon fuse into Klance. Most of them get a mixed look of being horrified, confused, surprise and worry, while Pidge mostly looks fascinated.

I gulp, "When like this I go by Klance, it was fun to go out like this at night when none of y'all would see me. But after Lance's family dinner, and we started walking home, we accidentally fused, and a scientist saw us, and shocked us with this thing that apparently only affects people with gems. Next thing I know we're separated and in the lab."

We unfuse again and Hunk asks, "So it wasn't a dream I had that you two-"

"No, we were terrified," Keith says. "But they're looking for us, since we escaped."

Mama nods, "No matter what, I still love you, and they aren't taking you anywhere. Pedro, take them to the room."

Papa nods and Shiro and Adam both hug Keith once more as we follow my dad to the secret room in the house, with no handle that blends into the wall.

I grab Keith's hand and pull him into the room that I had been in once before, Papa closing the door behind me.

I wrap my arms around Keith protectively as we stay silent, listening to what's going on outside.

There's a knock from the front door, and we soon hear Alfor's familiar voice. "Hello ma'am," he starts, meaning he's probably speaking to mama. "We have reason to believe you are holding fugitives and must search your house."

Soon there's slow footsteps moving around the house. "So many people, why are there so many people here?"

Mama replies in a shaky voice as if she's been crying, "We're trying to figure out where my son and his friend Keith might be. They've been missing for so long."

After a moment the footsteps come closer, and stop when they're right outside the room.

Soon the door opens and Alfor stares at us as I start to shake.

"Come with me you two," he says in a scary quiet tone, and pulls out one of the yellow light things. 

We do as we're told and follow him outside the house, with everyone following behind us. We walk out to see Pidge's dad standing there. 

I look over at Dr. Holt, Pidge's father, but he refuses to look at us.

Alfor turns around and faces everyone. "I'm sorry it has to be this way. But we still don't exactly know why this is happening, and whether it's dangerous. We can't let them stay here. If there were another solution to this we'd do that. But I'm afraid there's not."

Pidge speaks up, "I know a solution," she offers.

"Okay, I'll humor you," Alfor says coldly.

"They could stay here and live life almost as they were, but every so often they could come to visit the lab, somewhat like a doctor checkup. They were around people, acting normal and didn't hurt anyone for months, so they aren't dangerous."

Dr. Holt smiles, "Alfor, that could work, we'd just need the guardians to agree to the conditions."

"Anything that lets me keep him," Adam and Mama say at the same time.

Alfor sighs, but nods, "Once a week. We will see them every Saturday, if you fail to comply with this we will have to go back to our original plan."

"We agree with your terms," Papa says, and Shiro nods.

Alfor walks away and Dr. Holt wipes his eyes, "I'm so sorry we didn't think of anything, I felt horrible about it, I know I can never make it up to all of you, but I'm sorry."


The two came back to school to find James was expelled and in a mental hospital. They had tons of people ask them questions, which they usually didn't answer.

The meetings worked out well, and eventually went down to once a month. 

They never figured out why it happened, but Keith and Lance think it's some sort of soulmate, meant to be together thing.

They stay friends with Allura and Romelle, but it's really awkward now, so they don't meet up a lot.

Everyone's happy.


Frog here, this is the last chapter. Sorry for taking so long to upload it, but I had a huge writers block, and though I knew what I wanted to write, I couldn't write it well. Once again, Thank you for being patient and for reading my story. <3

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