Pet store

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"True romance is simply being in the moment with somebody who wants to be there more than anywhere else"~Mark Anthony


Lance's POV
It's midnight, and I sneak out my window and head to the fountain as usual.

I find Keith already there, as normal, but he has something in his arms. "What's that?" I ask.

He looks at me, and the thing in his arms starts growling. "Shh," he says softly, and the growling stops. "It's this black and grey puppy I found outside my house. I wanted to check and see if he's yours."

"I don't have a dog."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. Shiro's letting me keep him if he isn't owned already."

"What are you calling him?"


"You haven't named him have you?"


"Then I'll name him if you won't. And do you have a food and water bowl for him?"

"I wasn't going to get one before we figured out if he's missing."

I sigh, "Keith, he's a living creature, they need to be able to eat and drink. You need to learn how to take care of a dog. Come with me, we'll go get stuff for him together."

When I get closer to Keith the pup starts growling again. "Shh, Lance is nice," he says sweetly to the pup, my head is swimming. Why is this boy so fricking cute? And how does he not realize how cute he is, how lost I get in his eyes.

I put my hand in front of the dog's nose, he sniffs it, now he lets me pet him. "Okay, let's go get you some supplies for, Kosmo!" I say a little too loud, making them both jump. "That's his name, Kosmo."

The pups tail wags. "I guess he agrees. But, Lance?" I look at the boy with the mullet with my head tilted. "He barely knows us, I think he should get to know us more before he meets Klance, can we, not fuse?"

He looks at me as if I'd say no, "Of course we can stay like this." I gently take Kosmo from Keith's arms, "But you can't stay without him getting food, so Keith, come on, we're going to the pet store." I hold Kosmo in my left arm, and take Keith's hand in my right, focusing on not fusing by accident or dropping Kosmo.

My heart racing as we walk to the store, expecting his to pull his hand out of mine, but he doesn't. Our hands fit perfectly together, while my hands are so cold you could mistake me for an ice demon, his are warm.

We pass Allura and Romelle, "Hello?" I ask, getting their attention.

"Yes?" Allura asks me in return, looking at our hands, she smirks a bit. While Keith looks at me, confused.

"I was wondering if this is either of you guy's dog?"

They look at Kosmo, "No," Romelle answers. "But he is pretty cute." She scratches his head and the two walk away.

Keith sighs in relief. "I thought you were about to blow our cover."

"I would never," I say over dramatically, then try not to smirk as I add, "But I do want to blow something else."

His face turns red, "Lance! What the fuck!" I laugh, but he still doesn't take his hand from mine.

We get to the pet store and walk in. He takes his hand out of mine. "You get food, since that's the most complicated, I'll get the bowls." He instructs me.

I walk to the food isle. He's a puppy, but obviously going to be a larger dog. I grab puppy food and head to the counter. I find Keith there with two bowls. "What about a collar and leash?"

He waves the question away, "Eh, I can make those."

"Make? What?"

His eyes widen and his face turns red. "Um, I mean, I can, yea, um, I know it's weird, that, uh, a guy."

I smile, "Hush, I don't care if you can knit or sew or something, that's really cool. That mothman shirt, my mom made it. I talked about you loving mothman once, and she made it, she's made shirts for all my friends."

He smiles lightly, as if remembering something. I give the cashier the money, Keith looks at me, "You don't have to."

"But I did, so lets go, I don't mind anyway." I scratch Kosmo's head as we walk outside the store with the food and bowls, "This little guy is so fricking cute."

"He is, isn't he. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping he doesn't have an owner."

"Me too, would you let me come visit him, since I even named him?"

"Yea, you're fine, you can come over just about anytime anyway."

I fell my face go red, "I can?"

Seeing my face so red, his turns red too, "I mean, yea whenever you want, as long as it's not too late. You're fun to hang out with."

"Like last night?" I tease a bit.

"Okay, that sounded wrong. But, you really did help with that nightmare, so thank you."

"You're welcome, that's how my mom would help me."

"By spooning you?" He asks, I turn fifty shades of red (forget fifty shades of grey) but I can tell he didn't mean to tease me that time, he looks more confused and concerned than anything.

"Uh... no, I made that one up."

"Oh," he looks at the ground. Crap, he's gonna hate me for that, I want to get away from the embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, but to be safe, I should probably get home."

I hand Kosmo back to Keith. As I start to walk away he says, "Wait." I turn around, but before I can say anything, he leans towards me.

His lips touch mine, they're soft, just like they were yesterday when Pidge gave me that dare. I feel like I'm on cloud nine, my heart's racing, my head is spinning. It's just a quick kiss, lasting a little more than a second.

When he pulls away, I grab his face and pull it back to mine. I feel him smile against my lips, I love it.

We pull away, but stay so close to each other I can feel his breath against my face. "Well damn," I whisper. He laughs, making me laugh. Kosmo starts barking along with us laughing, which just makes us laugh more.

After a couple minutes, we calm down. "So, are we boyfriends now?" He asks.

"God yes," I answer, he giggles. "I'm so sorry, but I do have to get home. I couldn't be your boyfriend if my mom cut off my arms and legs, scooping out my eyes in the process. But I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Graphic, but understandable."

We wave at each other, and I go back home. But I don't get to sleep, I'm too busy thinking about everything that just happened.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now