The Lab

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"The spaces between the stars don't seem so big anymore, maybe that's because I know I would cross them all, if it meant finding you"~Ariana


Keith's POV

I open my eyes to find myself on a hard bed in a small room with some weird yellow light pillars on one side instead of a wall. Where am I?

I try to walk through the yellow light, but a familiar painful spark goes through me, making me jump back. I put my hand out, and painful shock goes through my hand as familiar yellow marks go up my arm. "Hello?" I ask, but no answer comes. "Hello!" I yell this time. "Is anybody there! Help!"

I bang on a wall. A man I don't recognize walks up and looks at me through the bars. "You're awake." He says in a deep voice with a British accent.

I look up at him. He's taller than me and has a short white beard, though he still looks kind of young. "Please, let me out."

"I'm afraid I have to do some tests for now."

"Why am I in this cage?"

"The others weren't, but they got away quickly, we won't be taking any chances with either of you."

"Either? Who else is here?"

"I don't know his name, but a Hispanic boy you were found to be combined with."

My eyes widen, "Lance," I whisper. "Can I see him?"

"I'm afraid not, he hasn't woken up yet. We're going to get the tests done with you as quickly as possible."

He presses a button and the yellow bars go away, but he quickly puts some weird handcuff thing on me. I follow him through a hall with other small rooms, a few holding assorted animals with weird mutations.

He opens a door and we walk into some strange lab with two other people in lab coats, a woman with blonde hair and a bald guy with glasses on.

The handcuffs come off me, and I run for the door, but I can't open it. "There's a special type of lock on the door," the man who brought me says.

"Why am I here?" I ask them.

"You were found to have a gem on your body. We were searching for the others to learn more after we lost them, but you and the other boy were found, so we're studying you. We have to gather more information on this whole gem thing," The bald man says.

"It will work better and go faster if you don't lie, and stay as calm as possible," the man who brought me here says.

"What is your name?" The woman asks, smiling. I can tell she's trying to comfort me, but it's not working well.

"Keith, what are yours?" I ask back.

"I am Nyma, the man with the goggles is Rolo, and the man who escorted you here is Alfor." For some reason when she says that name, it rings a bell. "How long have you had the gem?"

I think for a moment, "About seven to eight months, can I see Lance?"

"I'm sorry, but no, you cannot do that right now."

I stand up, "When can I see him?"

"I'm not sure, but you will see him," Rolo says. "Seven to eight months though, that's a long time. Did you know each other when it happened?"

"We didn't speak to each other, but we knew we existed."

"What are you to each other at the moment?"

"Why does that matter?"

"We need to know if you two have the same obsessive tendencies as the others."

"Friends," I reply, not wanting to out us both to these people we've never met.

The lights in the room go red, "I said this would go better if you told the truth, what are you to each other?" Alfor asks.

"Boyfriends," I say, and the lights go back to normal.

"Thank you," Nyma says, "What happened that needed both of you in a healing pod?"

"Somebody shot Lance, so I brought him to a pod, he was passed out, he couldn't stand up on his own."

Alfor turns to the other two, who don't seem that bothered. "Shot? Was that the gunshot heard in Altea near the school?"

I look at the ground and gulp, "Yes."

Alfor stands up, and asks me more questions about the crime, then when he has the information he wants, he walks out of the room, leaving me with Rolo and Nyma.

They pull out my hand, examining my gem while asking me more questions. "A ruby, that's what Lily had, but her's was on her shoulder," Nyma says to Rolo.

"But, why does this only happen to some? And it's only happened with humans as well."

Nyma shrugs but turns back to me, "We're done with this, and I will escort you back."

"You can stop saying escort," I mumble. I mean, they are taking me, in handcuffs to a prison cell, that doesn't deserve the word escort.

Lance's POV

I wake up to find myself in some strange white room on a bed. I get a buzz from my phone in my pocket. I pull it out, it's a text from Mama, and this isn't the first one.

Mama: Lance, where are you?

Mama: You better not be having sex

Mama: Come home right now.

Mama: I'm starting to get worried.

Mama: This better not be a joke

Mama: This isn't funny

Mama: Answer me

Lance: Help, I don't know where I am, or how I got here

Mama: Lance, describe where you are

Lance: It's like a small white prison cell.

Mama: Prison cell!

I hear footsteps.

Lance: I hear someone coming, please don't call or text me until I text you again.

I put my phone on silent, and shove it in my pocket as a man with a white beard walks up. "Hello, where am I?" I ask.

"You're in the lab I work at," he answers in a deep British voice, "Now if you'd please come with me to answer some questions. We've already asked Keith some things, since he woke up before you."

I feel tears prick at my eyes, "Keith's here?"

"Yes, he is, and no, you cannot see him at the moment."

The barrier of yellow light comes down, but handcuffs are put on me as the man takes me down the hall.

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