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"Living life is about taking chances, and each time you do, you gain something more"~Keith Kogane


"When are you gonna let us meet your friend Keith?" Mama nags me while at the table with the family.

Veronica and Luis smirk, knowingly. But Papa adds to Mama, "Why don't you invite him over for dinner soon?"

Mama turns to him, "But he probably won't, because all the other times we asked, he said no."

"Fine," I mumble. Remembering my promise to Keith two days ago. Mama and Papa smile at me, while Luis looks surprised, as Veronica just smirks more. "Tomorrow is Saturday, I'll invite him over for dinner tomorrow.

Mama smiles, "I can't wait to meet him. I hope he's like the Keith I taught all those years ago."

Veronica and I roll our eyes, having heard about this so much. "Yes, the only person who was interested in you teaching him to sew. We know Mama," Veronica says exhaustedly.

"Well at least he did what I suggested, and he wasn't even my child!"

"Mama, no need to yell," Luis calms her.

"Yes, thank you Luis. Okay, then. Lance."

"Yes?" I ask, a little worried.

"Is this Keith, is he allergic to anything?"

"No, and, no he's not picky. He doesn't eat much, but he's not picky."

"Okay, good, that girl Pidge, she's impossible to cook for. I never met another person so picky in my life."

"Yes, I know mama, that's why I don't bring her over for dinner anymore."

"Okay, then everything's settled, you invite your friend over for dinner tomorrow," Papa states.

~The next day~

I've been spending most of the day with Keith, and he's accepted coming over for dinner. I'm sitting on his bed, while he changes in the bathroom. "Why do you have to change in the bathroom?" I yell at him through the door.

"Because I want to make sure I look nice."

"But you always look nice," I whine.

"Also if I changed out there, you wouldn't turn around, you perv."

"Keef, we've literally fused, almost nobody has been as intimate as we've been, but you won't change in front of me, after dating for almost half a year?"

He opens the bathroom door. "No." He's wearing a black and red flannel shirt, tucked into black jeans without holes and black shoes, instead of his weird boots he loves. He's not even wearing his red jacket, he still has his finger less gloves, but, the most surprising thing, is his mullet, is tied back into a ponytail.

I hold out my arms for a hug. when he hugs me, I turn him around and kiss the back of his neck. He giggles, and we almost immediately fuse into Klance, but we unfuse. "We can't show up to dinner like that," he comments, smiling.

I pout, "I know, but I never get to kiss the back of your neck without getting hair in my mouth.

"I used to wear my hair up a lot when I was little."

"Well, you look amazing either way." He shakes his head, wrinkling his nose. "See, that was so cute, when you wrinkled your nose," I tease, wrinkling my nose and sticking my tongue out.

He smiles. "I know humor is your coping mechanism, you can't hide from me." I sigh and he grabs my hand. "You'll be fine, they'll still love you, but you can't coop us both here forever, they're expecting dinner."

I sigh again, knowing he's right. "Okay, then let's go get dinner," I say.

He entwines our fingers together and presses light kisses on my knuckles. "You know I love you, no matter what." He whispers, making me smile.

"I know." We stand up and head to my house, hand in hand, until we get to my porch.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now