Klance pt 2

437 19 13

"Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one"~John Keats


The glowing stops, and I look at my hands. My left has the blue gem, while the right has the red one. I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I have Lance's hair, but darker, my skin isn't as dark as Lance, but not as pale as Keith either, and I have a few freckles across the bridge of my nose. I'm wearing a dark grey shirt and a jacket that looks like Lance's cargo one, but cropped. I have black jeans and shoes the color of Keith's boots.

The best part of this is my eyes, they're amazing. They're mesmerizing swirls of blue and purple. "Who am I? It's like I've fused into one person." I ask myself. "Laith? No that sounds stupid, Klance? Yea, that's good, Klance."

While Lance is about five eight, and Keith is five four, Klance is six foot two.

Should I go outside? But what if people think I look too much like Lance or Keith, and they find me out? What about the gems? I can cover those up with gloves. I should figure myself out more before I do that. I should make some clothes for me so they aren't so similar to Keith or Lance.

I take off my jacket, and when I do, it separates into Lance's cargo one, and Keith's cropped one. I take off my shoes, and they do the same. "Woah, that's cool."

"What should we-I do?" The phone rings from the kitchen, I go to pick it up. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, Keith," Shiro answers from the other side, "Wait, are you sick, your voice sounds a little weird."

The bright light returns as we both allow ourselves to be pulled away from the other. "No, sorry about that." I say into the phone, now just me.

"Okay, well I'm coming home with Adam, we're picking up McDonalds. So we thought we'd offer some to you."

"Um, well, my friend Lance is here right now."

"Lance McClain?"


"I'm glad you finally made a friend, ask him what he wants from McDonald's too then."

I turn to the pretty boy behind me, that I was just fused with, "Shiro wants to know what you want from McDonald's, he's paying."

"I'm good, I don't need anything." He says, though I hear his stomach rumble, even from the distance.

I turn back to the phone, "Just get a twenty piece nuggets."

"Okay, Adam and I will be there in just a bit. See ya."

"Bye," I say and hang up. I turn back to Lance and look into his blue eyes, "I got nuggets, because you're clearly hungry."

 His face gets pink, "Thanks. Then I'll call my mom and tell her I won't be home for dinner."

I nod, we walk back to my room and he pulls a phone out of his pocket. I just sit on my bed silently, legs crossed watching him. His phone's against his ear as it rings, but it stops ringing.

"Hola, mama," he says. "No estaré en casa para cenar, tuve que quedarme en la casa de esta de niño después de la escuela para trabajar en un proyecto." He says in Spanish while pacing the room.

I didn't know he spoke Spanish, and it's beautiful, I look at the floor, hoping he he won't see my red face. I hear him sigh, "Estaré en casa antes de las diez, lo prometo." He nods, "Si, mama, adiós."

He hangs up, letting out an exasperated sigh, "Sorry, my mom was worried after I came home so late last night without telling her."

I chuckle, hoping my face isn't still red, "I didn't know you spoke Spanish."

He gives me a weird look, "You didn't know?" He laughs like I made a joke, but I just shake my head. "Wow, I didn't know you were so clueless. I'm Cuban, I still visit, I know Spanish as well as English."

"Oh, I-I didn't know." I look at the ground, how am I so stupid.

He chuckles, "So I'm assuming you don't take Spanish."

I shake my head, "I only know hola, adiós, si, no and how to count to ten."

"You don't know colors?" I shake my head, "family terms?" I shake my head again. "Wow."

"Yea, I know more Japanese than Spanish."

"You know Japanese?"

"Some. Shiro taught me some of it."

"Tell me something in Japanese!" He says excitedly.

I think for a minute "わたしは、あなたを愛しています"

"What does it mean?"

My face flushes, "Hi, how are you?" I answer, even though it's not.

"Could you teach me to say it?"

"Um...okay? Watashi."

"Watashi," he repeats.

"Watashi wa." He repeats it again, until he gets the whole phrase.

"わたしは、あなたを愛しています!" He says excitedly, and I know my face is still red. "わたしは、あなたを愛しています," he repeats a few times. It's so weird hearing him repeat I love you so much.

He'd never say it if he knew what it meant, so I take in every time he says it.

I hear the door open, "Shiro and Adam are here," I say.

We walk out of my room to see the two men standing there with McDonalds bags. Adam hands one to me, "Here's the nuggets."

"Glad you finally brought a friend over," Shiro says. Lance and Shiro smile at each other.

I pull out the nuggets and lay out all the sauces, since we didn't know what Lance liked. "Thank you," Lance says as he eats one of the chicken nuggets with ketchup.

"You're welcome," Adam states. "How long have you and Keith known each other?" He asks.

"I guess we kind of knew of each other for a while, but only recently became friends." Lance replies.

"Is that where you were last night? With Lance?" Shiro asks. I nod, because I really was. "Why didn't you just say you were out with a friend."

I shrug. "So, what did y'all do while here?" Adam asks.

"Stuff," I reply simply.

"He taught me some Japanese!" Lance says smiling. My eyes widen, oh no.

"What did he teach you?" Shiro asks.


Shiro smirks and my face flushes scarlet once again. "Which means?"

"How are you?" Lance says. Shiro stifles laughter.

Lance's phone dings. "Sorry, I have to get home, thank you for letting me come, and thanks for the food." Lance says and grabs his bookbag and runs out the door, forgetting his jacket.

"Your jacket!" I yell down the hill, but he doesn't hear me.

I walk back in, "So you taught him 'how are you'" Shiro says in finger quotes while smirking. I flush red for the thousandth time today.

"Leave me alone," I say grabbing the nuggets and shutting my door.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now