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"Trust the over thinker who tells you they love you. They have, most assuredly, thought of every reason not to"~L.K Pilgrim


Keith's POV

I walk to school earlier than usual, and find Lance and Hunk sitting near the school in their usual spot.

I never got to sleep, and eventually just started sewing, so I probably have huge eye bags.

Lance perks up and waves at me as I walk closer. "You're early," he comments.

I laugh, "Never got to sleep."

"Same here, I'm running on three Monsters right now." I chuckle, making Lance laugh.

Hunk smiles at us, "What?" I ask him.

"You're a thing now, aren't you?" He asks us.

Lance smiles widely. "You know it big man," he puts one arm around my shoulders, making me blush. "This mullet head is officially my boyfriend."

"Finally!" Pidge says from nearby. "You have no idea how much it pained me to see you two clueless idiots pining for each other."

"Yea," Hunk agrees. "Apparently it pained me so much, that when we had the sleepover, I ended up dreaming that they like became one person. Probably because Pidge had mentioned that married couple that happened to, so my brain made you two do the same."

Hunk and Pidge laugh, I glance at the boy who still has his arm around my shoulder. He laughs nervously. The bell rings and we head to our classes. I smile and wave at Lance when we part, but when I walk into Health, Shiro smirks at me knowingly. I turn red and walk to my seat.

At the end of class he whispers to me, "I wish you and Lance the best."

~Six months later~

"Summer starts soon, only one more week," I say to myself. It's just me, Klance, laying on the grass, looking at the stars.

I sigh, completely content. "I think during the summer, we should become Klance during the day occasionally."

I feel that uncomfortable pain within me, as I glow, pulling apart. My palms glow as Keith and I are thrown away from each other.

"What!?" Keith yells. I look at him, "Why, I thought our time as Klance was special."

"It is," I say, feeling myself start to cry.

"Then why would you want to blow our cover during the day?"

"I don't, I just want to be this close to you more often. I would only do it when I know our cover wouldn't be blown. But, I won't make you do it if you don't want to."

He sighs. "I'll make a deal."

"Okay?" I get a bit worried.

"I'll do it, if, you tell your parents about us." I feel a knot in my throat, "You said at least Luis and Veronica know, and they don't care. Don't you think if your parent's cared about it, they would too, just by default?"

I look at the ground, "Yea, you're probably right. Can you be there when I tell them? They've wanted to meet you anyway."

He smiles and grabs my hand. "Of course. Just tell me when I should be there."

I wrap my arms around him, pulling him towards me. I put my lips against his. His soft wet lips move gently on mine at first. After a moment, all chasteness is lost, becoming hungry, urgent kisses. My hands tangled in his soft hair and I pull him onto my lap.

He makes a slight high pitched noise, but moves his lips to my neck. As he sucks on the skin, the familiar glow starts again.

I end up sitting on the grass, as Klance, hugging and kissing air. I laugh at what just happened, but stand up and walk into town.


Unrelated, but I accidentally just told one of my friends I love you instead of goodbye. He got confused, and when he asked me about it I freaked out and said "I'm a lesbian."

I am in fact a flaming bisexual, and he knows it.

Anyway I have to see them in school on Monday, wish me luck.

~Frog <3

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