Awkward Awakenings/Kosmo

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"Some people don't leave you even when they're gone, they just stay inside you in a different form" ~Unknown


Lance's POV
I wake up to hear laughing. My forehead is still against Keith's, but we're hugging each other, our legs entangled under my blanket. I move slowly, so as not to wake him up, but it doesn't work.

His eyes open, and we look at each other for a second, blushing. I look up when I keep hearing laughter.

Pidge and Hunk are looking at her phone. I stand up groggily and walk over to them. "Whaa you laughin bout?" I slur. I look at the phone, to see a picture of Keith and I on the air mattress.

My face goes red instantly and I try to grab Pidge's phone, while she and Hunk keep it away from me. "Delete the picture you little weasel," I tell Pidge.

"No! I got blackmail now."

"What is this about?" Keith asks, coming out of Pidge's bathroom, fully dressed.

"Nothing!" I say a little too fast and loud.

He rolls his eyes at me, "Okay, jeez. Sorry Pidge, but I gotta go home. Make sure things are still fine."

He almost jogs out of the room with his clothes from yesterday and what he slept with.

I smile, I know he's checking to make sure his house and Shiro are okay. But, he wont tell Hunk or Pidge, it's like he trusts me more than them.

Pidge smirks at me, "Yea, you're head over heels," she comments.

I sigh, there's no use trying to hide it, I'm practically transparent.

Keith's POV
I walk home to make sure everything is as I left it.

I get there, and the house is still standing, I sigh, relieved. Then I notice a little puppy laying nearby. The pup is mostly black, but has slight grey line running from his nose, down his back, to the tip of his tail.

It looks like it's part Husky, or German Shepherd. I walk over to the pup, it perks up, getting closer, I see he has one brown and one blue eye. It inches backwards, it has no collar. I sit on the ground. "Come here buddy," I say sweetly.

The pup comes towards me cautiously, and sniffs my hand. I try to pet him but he backs away before my hand can reach him.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," as if he understands me, he lets me pet his head. He leans into the touch, "What's your name? Do you have a name?"

He tilts his head, making me giggle. "You don't have a collar, but I'm sure a pup like you must have an owner, you're so friendly." He barks, wagging his tail.

I smile, and pick him up, "You're a good boy," he pants, still wagging his tail.

I walk inside, and Shiro comes to greet me, but stops, looking straight at the pup in my arms. "Where'd you get him?" He asks.

"He was laying outside, so I picked him up and brought him in, we can try to figure out if anybody owns him."

"We'll look for a while, but what if nobody claims him?"

My eyes light up, "I'm gonna keep him!" Shiro raises one eyebrow skeptically, "Shiro, I have a job, I'll use money to buy dog food, a bowl, a collar and a leash."

Shiro sighs and rubs his eyes, "Fine. But you clean up his messes."

I smile, and open my mouth to thank him but he interrupts, "But, we have to make sure he's not lost first." I nod and take him to my room.

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