What Happened?

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"And above all watch with glittering eyes, the whole world around you. Because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."~Ronald Dahl


I walk to the kitchen to she Shiro staring at me, "Why were you out last night, you're never out," he sounds more intrigued than mad.

I try to think of a lie that won't get me in trouble, because I've almost never been out, especially as late as I was. "I went on a walk," I say.

"Past midnight?" He sounds skeptical.


"Okay... Where did you go on this walk?"

"Around town."

"Did you go by the school?"

"...no, why?"

"A gun shot was heard there around nine, the cops went there, and found a trail of blood that led to the pod in my class. When they came back, the blood, and person in the pod were both gone."

"I heard the gunshot, but it was so far away, I kept walking."

Shiro sighs and covers his face with his hand. "You know you should really get a phone so you can tell me these kinds of things."

"Nah, too expensive, I would use it enough to justify the price."

"You have a job."

"That's so I can get thread and fabric and stuff like that. I don't even work on the weekends or Friday, so I don't go today."

I grab my book bag and walk out the door, "Bye Shiro," I say wanting to get away from the conversation.

I start walking down the hill my house is on, but I'm met by Lance walking up. "Hello," I say to the boy who looks shorter than me when on the hill.

"Hey Keith, I wanted to thank you for taking me to the pod," he says. "And sorry for acting all mad too."

"No, thank you, you were the one who took the bullet."

He smiles slightly, and I practically melt where I'm standing. He walks up and wraps his arms around me. I hesitantly hug him back, butterflies soaring through my stomach. But soon the warm sensation of his arms around me seems to vanish.

I open my eyes and don't see anybody else standing there. I look at my hands, they're both bare, and one palm has a blue gem in the center of it, while the other has a red one.

Keith? Lance? I can hear you but I can't see you. I feel a panic within me, and it feel like I'm being pulled apart. There's a bright glow, and I'm pushed back, and see Lance on the ground too.

"What was that?" I ask grabbing my arms.

"I don't know!" He says loudly.

It felt like I was one person, but two people at the same time. "Did we like become one person?"

"I don't know, I think so?" We look at each other concerned, confused. "We need to figure out what that was."

"Shiro won't be here tomorrow, he'll be at Adam's all day. You could come over and we could try to figure out whatever that was."

He nods. Then looks confused, "Shiro? As in professor Shiro?" I nod a yes. "Do you live together?"


I watch him walk away as I sit on the grass. What just happened? I didn't quite feel like me, but I didn't exactly feel completely different either.

"Thought you were going to school," Shiro says from behind me. I roll my eyes and stand up. "Gonna walk with me?"

"No," I already stick out like a bird living with dogs among the school, I don't want to be seen as a teacher's pet over all that.

"Suit yourself." I watch him walk down the hill.

I walk to school soon after he's gone.

When I walk through the doors, it's like everybody's staring at me, and whispering among themselves, even more than usual. I shrink into myself as people stare at me, but move away when I get close.

I catch a little bit of the conversation walking by the fountain, "I heard it was James he shot."

Somebody shot James? No, he pulled out a gun, he shot Lance, I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I wasn't there.

I get to the front door and Hunk, Lance and Pidge start walking beside me. They walk confidently, yet I'm nothing but confused. "What's this about?" I almost whisper.

Hunk leans over, "Everybody thinks you were the shooter heard last night."

"I don't even own a gun."

"I know for a fact it couldn't have been you, because my brother knows Shiro very well, and we hear a lot about you." Pidge states.

Lance just tries to give a reassuring smile, but I almost melt to the ground when he does. I love being this close to him, I can feel a slight warmth from his arm on mine.

"We're here because I overheard some people talking about hurting you, so we're going to try to be near you as much as possible," Hunk says.

I nod, but I only have lunch with all three of them, and fourth period with Pidge, so I'm getting worried.

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