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"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread." ~ Mother Teresa


I open the door, and Veronica is standing there. "Hi Keith, it's great to meet you. Lance has told me so much about you," she says smirking. Causing me to turn a bit red. "I'm Veronica, his sister."

"Nice to meet you," he says awkwardly.

Luis and Papa walk up. "You must be Keith," Papa says. "We're glad to finally have you over, please, make yourself at home. Camilla is making dinner right now."

"Thank you for having me."

I sit down on the couch, smiling weakly at Keith. He sits beside me, still looking a bit uncomfortable, Veronica on the other side of him. Papa sits in a recliner on the left side of the couch. Luis walks into the kitchen, "Mama, Lance and Keith are here."

"Oh! How rude not to greet the company, Luis, make sure the soup doesn't boil over." She walks into the living room. Keith stands up again smiling, "Thank you for inviting me for dinner Mrs. McClain."

She tilts her head a bit, and looks at his gloves, as if trying to remember something. "Please, call me Camilla."

He chuckles, "I must thank you for the shirt as well."

"Yes, Lance mentioned you liked this Mothman, so I looked it up so I could make it."

"Well, it's about all you talk about half the time," I mumble.

Mama glares at me, but Luis saves us from the awkwardness. "Mama, the fricasé de pollo is done."

"Gracias Luis," she says. Everyone gets up from their seats, and moves to the dining room, Keith following close behind me.

Because we're at the back, Keith pulls me over. "When are you going to tell them, I want to know when I need to be here most," he whispers so only I can hear.

"A-after dinner. Thank you so much for being here."

He smiles and whispers, "Of course, わたしは、あなたを愛しています."

"You too," I reply, since Shiro told me it meant I love you, and we sit at the table.

Mama brings in a bowl for all six of us, as well as a drink. "Thank you," Keith says, and she smiles at him, still giving him that reminiscent look.

"Careful it's hot," Mama says.

Because I'm used to it, I just eat the soup, as well as the rest of my family, but Keith blows on his a few times beforehand. Though he still looks like the heat and or spice is killing him.

His face is pink, but he says, "This is really good Mrs. McClain."

"You look like you're dying," Veronica comments. Mama gives her a glare.

"It is a bit spicy." Yet  his eyes water, face pink.

Papa chuckles, "Yes, that it is."

"I heard you mention Mothman while I was checking the food," Luis mentions.

"Yea, he talks about Mothman way too much," I reply to my brother, gesturing to the pretty boy beside me.

Luis looks Keith in the eye, "So do you believe?"

Keith raises one eyebrow, "Do you?" He turns the question around.

"That among itself is an answer to my question. Nice to have another believer."

Veronica and I roll our eyes at the two boys smirking at each other, fascinated having found somebody else who believes in Mothman. Luis looks at me as if saying with his eyes that he approves of him, and I feel my face get warmer.

Papa looks at mama, making the rest of us look at her. "Camilla, you haven't spoken, usually by now you would've had more conversations than we can count."

She huffs smiling. "I'm sorry. It's just that Keith reminds me so much of-"

"Yes, the other Keith from the orphanage."

Keith looks at me with a confused look, yet he seems to have perked up. "Boy at an orphanage named Keith?" He asks mama.

She chuckles, "Yes, I was bringing clothes and blankets I had sewn to an orphanage one time. One of the little boys that was there was a boy named Keith. He looked pretty similar to you, but younger. He became really interested in sewing, so I-"

"Taught him to sew?"

"Yes actually. He was always very polite, but he was adopted by a nice lady and moved to another state, what was her name?" She tries to remember.

"Rebecca?" He asks, wide eyed.

"Yes..." she pauses, "Wait, how."

"I didn't think you'd remember me," he says with a far off look.

"How could I forget? So did Rebecca and you move here?"

"Oh...no, she, um..." He swallows hard before looking at the ground.

Mama covers her mouth, "Oh my, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's fine, you didn't know."

"Are you back at the orphanage?" She asks with concern.

He shakes his head, "No, her son, Shiro took me in."

"Wait, Shiro as in the teacher?" Veronica asks.

"Yea, that's the one," I reply for him, trying not to seem too silent.

"He's awesome," Luis says, Veronica, Keith and I nod in agreement.

We talk more throughout the meal, a lot of it being Mama and Keith catching up, though I am noticeably quieter than usual. Papa giving me confused looks every so often.

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