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"You are a mystery to me, yet so familiar, like a song I've never heard before and a tune I've known my entire life"~Pavana


Nothing bad happened, in first and second and fourth period, it was just the whispers, but Pidge sat next to me in forth.

At lunch, I went to sit at my normal table by myself, but Pidge pulled me over to her table with Hunk and Lance. I sat beside Pidge and across from Lance. I spent all of lunch looking into his pretty blue eyes. It was a little uncomfortable at the start, but less so by the end. I was sad to be going to fourth period. But, the saving grace was remembering he'd be coming to my house.

I'm stupid, rule number one, don't fall for a straight guy, rule number two if you do don't initiate contact.

The last bell of the day rings, the weekend has started. Shiro puts his hand on my shoulder as I walk out the front door of the school. "I'll be staying at Adam's for the night, so I won't be there, don't get in too much trouble," he says with a chuckle.

"Use a condom," I say, and his face turns bright red.

"Keith!" He walks away angrily, to which Lance immediately takes his place beside me.

"Hey!" He says happily.

"Hi Lance," I say, looking at the ground, hoping he doesn't see my red face.

"Ready to go figure... that out?" There's a noticeable pause when he tries to talk about this morning. I nod.

He waves to Hunk and Pidge, so I give a slight wave too. We walk up the hill and get to my house, I open the front door. "Sorry, it's always a little messy in here," I say, referring to the clothes and random stuff thrown about. I toss my book bag beside the front door, and Lance lays his beside mine.

"What did we do last time that made it happen?" I ask, though I know the answer.

Lance puts his arms around me, and I hug him again, my eyes open, waiting for it to happen again. We stand there for a few minutes, but nothing happens. He pulls away, "That's what we did!" He says frustrated.

"Maybe we imagined it?" I suggest, but it felt so real. His eyebrows furrow when I say this, "I don't know, but while we think about this, I could show you around the house," I say awkwardly. I've never really had somebody I invited come over.

His expression softens and he smiles a little, "Yea, sure."

"Well, that's obviously the front door," I say pointing to the door we walked through, gaining a laugh from Lance. I smile and point to the right of the front door, "That's the kitchen and where we eat, that's the living room on the left."

We walk down the hall, I open the first door on the left, "That's Shiro's room, the one across from it on the left is the bathroom." I walk all the way down the hall. I open the door on the right, "And this is my room."

He looks at the room across from mine, my sewing room/laundry room "What's that one?" He asks.

I think of an excuse, "That's, uh, Shiro's office, I'm not even allowed in there."

"Oh," he says disappointedly.

I walk in my room and sit on my bed, Lance smirks at me, "Don't you think it's a bit early to do that?" I tilt my head in confusion, but then realize what he meant and I cover my red face with my hands.

He laughs, "I'm just joking... I can do that right now." I uncover my face to punch him it the arm. "Ow! Okay, I get it."

He looks at the stuff around my room, one by one. I have little keepsakes and souvenirs from every town I've lived in, and visited, some different rocks and crystals that I thought were pretty, different types of hippos (my favorite animal) and a few pictures of my birth family.

He picks up a pink rose, made out of glass, I swallow, hoping he wouldn't drop it. "This is pretty, where did you get it?" He asks me.

"My foster mother. She made things out of glass, she gave it to me."

Lance gingerly sets it back where it was and sits in my chair, facing me. It's the chair, it's old, but comfortable. "Is Shiro your foster dad?" He asks.

"No, My foster mom who made that, he's her biological son, so we're like brothers."

Lance laughs, making my stomach swirl, "Yea, you do act a lot like that, like the condom thing today. I'd definitely say that to Luis."

"Is he your brother?"

"Yea, my second oldest."

"How much family do you have?"

"My mom and dad, of course. With siblings, Marco was first, then Luis, then Veronica, and Rachel is my twin sister. Lisa is my sister in law, she's Marco's wife. They have two kids, my niece Nadia and nephew Sylvio and my abuela."

"Wow, I wish I had that much family."

"Do you mind me asking what happened to yours?" He asks.

It feels like someone punched me in the gut, but I answer, "My mom left early on, I never really knew her. I grew up with my dad in the Texas desert, until he died."

He puts a hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "I'm sorry."

I smile weakly, "It's fine, really."

We continue asking each other questions, learning about each other, with a playlist of mine playing lightly in the background. I get nervous, because songs are an amazing way to know somebody, I'm scared he won't like the real me.

At some point, the song death of a bachelor comes on. Lance perks up, "I love this song," he says smiling, I didn't know you liked some good music.


"I dare you to dance with me." I feel my face get a little warm.

"I can't dance."

"Anybody can dance."

"Not me, I don't dance.'

"Ah, this time you said don't, now you have to."

I sigh but stand up, he sways easily and smoothly to the song. I look more forced and uncomfortable. "Loosen up, Keith."

I try to loosen up, but he furrows his eyebrows and grabs my hands. He moves us faster than you normally would with the music, but it still works. We both start laughing as we spin in a circle, like they do in movies.

Then, a bright light starts to come from our hands, and taking over our bodies.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now