Seeing Each Other

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"They say we are asleep until we fall in love, we are children of dust and ashes." ~ The Great Comet


It's my third day here. I sit on the floor and pull out my phone to see a text from Pidge and Hunk on a group chat.

Chef: Where are you, and why isn't Keith at school either?

Pigeon: Please don't answer, I don't wanna hear about your sex life

Lance: We're both in some weird lab.

Chef: Haha, very funny Lance. Get your ass to school.

At this moment, I hear footsteps coming towards me, so I shove my phone in my pocket.

The man I now recognize as Alfor walks up. "Hello Lance," he says sending an uncomfortable shiver down my spine.

He opens the bars and puts the handcuffs on me again, taking me to the lab. I see Keith standing in the center of the room and tears prick at my eyes. Keith looks towards me, and relief washes over his face.

Alfor takes off the handcuffs, and I immediately wrap Keith in an embrace. I feel him shaking, he's crying. I pet his head lightly, as he grips my shirt. "Shh, shh, don't cry mi amor," I whisper.

He gasps for breath, "I missed you so much, I didn't know how you were, if you were hurt."

"I'm fine."

He looks up at me, "You promise?"

"I promise," I whisper, kissing away the tear rolling down his cheek.

He smiles slightly and I wipe his eyes gently with my thumbs. After a few seconds like that we both turn to the table of the three people I've met.

Rolo and Nyma are talking to each other, while Alfor just seems to be observing me and Keith.

"I thought you said I wouldn't get to see him?" I ask Alfor.

"No, I said you wouldn't get to see him that day."

Nyma and Rolo turn towards us. "So you two have been together for?" Nyma asks.

"Six months," I reply. "But we were friends about three months beforehand."

"Okay, and we know you've fused at least once, since that's how you were found, but how long have you known you could fuse?" Rolo asks.

"The entire nine months we've been friends," Keith answers.

"How often do you fuse?"

"Almost every night," I reply, starting to get irritated.

"Can you fuse right now." Alfor states more than asks.

Keith and I look at each other, knowing how intimate our fusion is. It's something they could never really understand.

"Okay... but we've never done it in front of other people on purpose." Keith says awkwardly. I chuckle silently, remembering the time we accidentally fused at Pidge's sleepover and Hunk saw. It's actually pretty funny in hindsight, I miss Hunk.

"Try anyway," Rolo states.

But we try everything that has worked before, getting more and more awkward in front of the other three, but we don't fuse, our gems don't even light up.

~le time skip to a week later~

Keith's POV

Alfor comes in, and takes me up to the lab again, Lance coming in afterwards again. I sigh, knowing they still want us to fuse. They've been trying to get us to fuse for an entire week now, but it never works. But when both of us are in here, Alfor walks back out. I look around and Lance and I are the only ones in the room.

Lance sits cross legged on the floor, so I sit across from him. "You know I love you," he says quietly, looking at the floor.

I nod, "I love you too." He nods, but doesn't look up at me, making my stomach twist. "Is something wrong?" I ask, he hesitates, but shakes his head. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask a little louder, he shakes his head again. I feel my eyes well up, "Can you look at me?" He doesn't move, "Look at me," I say more forcefully, but he still doesn't look away from the floor.

I sigh and look to the side, so I don't cry looking at him. But I start to hear choked sobs. I look back at Lance. His shoulders are bouncing up and down as tears fall from his eyes.

I crawl over to him and wrap him in a hug, he hugs me back, crying on my shoulder. I rub his back comfortingly, but stay silent, not knowing what to say.

We sit like that for a while, until I don't feel him crying anymore. "Please tell me what's wrong," I say lightly.

Lance pulls away from me and looks me in the face. His eyes are all red and puffy. "I'm so scared," he says.

"I'm scared too."

"I want them to take you away from here, and just leave me. I'd rather myself die than watch you go through all this."

My eyes widen and tears form, "No, I would never leave you here, if we leave, we leave together," I say grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.

For a second it looks like he's gonna cry again, but instead he laughs painfully, "I love you so much."

I smile lightly and press our foreheads together, "I love you more."

He shakes his head, "Inconceivable." 

We both give pained laughter, tears still falling. As we do, a familiar bright light comes from our entwined hands.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now