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"Trust the over thinker who tells you they love you. They have, assuredly thought of every reason why they shouldn't." ~L.S Pilgrim


But when the bright light takes over out bodies, we're thrown across the room in opposite directions. The three scientists barge in, "What happened?" Rolo asks angrily.

Alfor looks over at Lance against the farthest wall, his phone lying on the floor beside him. Alfor picks up the phone and Lance looks up at him with fear. Alfor turns around with a distained, but worried look and stomps out of the room.

Rolo puts the handcuffs on me and takes me back to my cell, as Lance tries to follow, Nyma puts the handcuffs on him too.

Over a week goes by, the only interactions I have being one of the three people giving me meals and water. I cry everyday, wondering how Lance and everyone at home is doing. Wondering if anyone knows where I am.

After a second week goes by, I stop eating. I'm not hungry, I just want to see everyone again.

Allura's POV

(I know, it's weird to have this new POV)

I walk up to the lab my dad works at, it looks very boring from the outside, a very large brick building without windows. This is the first visit I've had in a while, since the lab is so far from where I live. But I always have to tell Romelle to stay home, I don't want her to see some of the inhumane things going on here.

I glance at my phone to see if Klance has texted yet, but nothing. What happened to him? A month or so ago, he stopped coming to hang out, but he still texted. But it's been two weeks and he hasn't done anything.

I put my phone back in my pocket and knock on the front door. After a few minutes, the door opens to reveal my dad. I smile and pull him into a hug, "Father!"

"Hello, my dear Allura."

"You called, and said you had more projects, and the main one won't cooperate?"

"Yes. You know those people with gems in their body?"

I scrunch up my face, I don't like him testing humans. "Yes?"

"We found two new ones, but they won't fuse, we've had to separate them so they know we mean business."

"Separate? What?"

"The light they can't touch, they're behind that, in different parts of the lab. They can't see each other."

"Is that a punishment?"

"Yes, we've isolated them, only contact being when we feed them."

I look at him with shock and horror, he's doing this to people!? "Won't this affect them badly?"

"It will make them give in to our commands, we need to be able to get them to fuse. But come in," He moves from the doorway so I can walk inside.

We walk through the long halls, where a few cages have animals of some description in them, but we also pass by a boy. He looks somewhat familiar, but I can't place it. He stares at me with an unreadable expression as I walk by with father.

We walk into a room with information spread across the walls. I look at it all, the two boys, Keith and Lance, live in my town, and have been dating for about half a year. Seeing them side by side in a picture, I realize, they're those two boys Romelle and I saw with the puppy.

I get a bunch of information, trying not to cry. They took these two boys away from their home, their friends, their families. I could handle it ehen it was the other four, because they had volunteered, but these two didn't.

Mr. Holt walks by, and I grab his shoulder. "How did you and father figure all this out?" I ask.

He appears to start shaking, "I wasn't one of the researchers this time, it was Alfor, Rolo and Nyma."

"Why, don't you enjoy getting information?" He nods, "Then why are these two any different?" 

His eyebrow furrow, and he opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. My eyebrows furrow, "You know them, don't you," I mumble. He sighs and I shake my head, "Why haven't you done anything?"

"We don't know if they're dangerous."

"This thing says they were on their own for months, and if you knew them, you knew they weren't dangerous."

He seems to stop and think about that as he walks off.

Father walks back up to me with a plate in either hand

"You can do the honors of taking them their food," Father hands me plates that I try not to grimace at, the green mush could barely be considered food.

"I will father," I reply.

I walk to the first boy's cell. He's wearing a cropped red jacket, and I see a couple other plates sitting nearby, untouched. "Please! Let me out," he begs when he sees me, "I need to see Lance."

I glance around, and when I see nobody, I stand under the yellow bars so that there aren't any under me. I climbs under me, but runs off quickly, so I can't catch up to him.

I don't have a lot of time anymore, with him running around, so I go over to the other boy's cell. He looks up at me, but doesn't say anything. I reach for the bars, "No," he warns, but stops when my hand goes through the bars, he touches them but quickly pulls away, with a grimace of pain.

I let him out the same way I did with the other one, but he grabs my hand before running around. After a moment, he looks across a hall and he smiles, tears in his eyes. "Keith!" He yells.

The other boy smiles back, "Lance!"

They run towards each other and wrap each other in a hug. "I've missed you," the one I now know to be Lance says.

"I've missed you too. Are you okay?" Keith replies.

Lance nods, "Yes. Are you okay?"

"Who cares?"

"I do." When Lance says this he picks up Keith and twirls him around, both of them giggling, and a glow starts to come from their hands.

Stronger than you (Fusion au (Klance))Where stories live. Discover now