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Chapter 25 Aelin POV

It was nightfall when we finally reached the cabin. Turn out both Fenrys and I forgot our chargers. Then Dorian forgot to pack some gloves. Aedion took turns smacking us each over the head which lead to me tackling him in a snowball.

"Some defensive man you are. I can take you down. Is this how the other teams running back gets through the line each time." Aedion then shoved me face first into the snow.

"Some assassin you are. Aren't you supposed to be able to take down bigger guys then me."

We were quickly pulled apart by Rowan and Lorcan before we could actually hurt one another.

Chaol and Dorian decided they wanted to cook us all dinner so we let them.

It was then decided that Fenrys and I would head to town tomorrow after breakfast to get the rest of the grocery's for the week.

Rooms were quickly decided upon. Aedion tried to get me to sleep in the room with Lysandra so I wouldn't be sharing with Rowan. But that fight was quickly shut down.

After getting ready for bed Rowan and I quickly got into bed and talked till we fell asleep. I actuallywoke up in the morning feeling refreshed and happy and secure. I gently ran my fingers over Rowans lips.

Rowan smiled once he woke up. "Good morning fire heart" and my heart swelled.

Fenrys and I were heading to the town center to get more grocery's for the cabin since we ran out this morning after cooking breakfast. When we were ran off the road by another car. Fenrys did his best to not hit any trees but it was inevitable. The passenger side crashed into a large pine tree. Knocking both Fenrys and I out.

I awoke with my hand being chained to a wall. Fenrys next to me still passed out. I looked up to see Tern clasping a shackle around Fenrys hand.

"Where's your master dog?" I sneered at him.

"Master is trying to figure out what to do with his favorite bitch and his basterd son."

Then I hear a scream. My heart skipped a couple of beats. They let out another set of tortured screams.

"Sam. What is he doing to Sam?!"

Tern smiled and walked out the door. Slamming it shut.

Rowan POV

"Aelins and Fenrys should have been back by now. Check for their phone location." Aedion was pacing the living room. Every single one of them just knew something happened to them.

"Fenrys phones location hasn't changed for 2 hours. Looks like they are on the side of the highway heading to town."

We all immediately got in our vehicles to the spot they were last. Fenrys car was crushed against a tree. Neither one of them in the car.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fucking Fuck." Aedion yelled as he kicked some tree branches around.

My heart was beating so fast I didn't know how no one else couldn't hear or see it.

Lysandra quickly took out her phone to call someone. Once they answered she put it on speakerphone. "Nox. Aelin is missing along with Fenrys. Can you somehow track her? Also you need to give plan "god" a go."

"Shit, when I find her I'll let you know her location. Are you sure she's missing before I hit go on "god"?"

Everyone was looking at her now including Aedion. With wide shocked eyes. "Yes. Keep us updated and we'll keep you updated."

"Let's go back to cabin. I'll explain there as we prepare to look for Aelin and Fenrys."

Author note.

So y'all. I finally got my thought process together on the future fanfic. Which will be a mafia au since that idea was so popular! I plan on hashing out some finer details on it later today. And I'm hella excited about it! So I plan on wrapping this current fic up pretty fast.
But what I'm currently planning for this story y'all might not like *insert evil laugh here*

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