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Chapter 8 Aelin POV

Even with the plan starting to unfold I still had classes and practices. I wouldn't have tried out for the track team but Fenrys pointed out that I ran enough anyway so there really wouldn't be any difference or time to make up.

Somehow Dorian, Fenrys and I ended up working on a project together. Since boys weren't 'allowed' in the girls dorms we switched between the Cadres house and Dorian and Chaol apartment. Today we happened to be at the Cadre House.

Lorcan called Fenrys just as Elide called me. Looking to each other we answered our phones at the same time.

"Aelin come quick. Someone broke into our dorm and ransacked everything" Elide said frantically.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Okay well be there in a second." I said. I hung up look to Dorian. "I'm sorry but we are going to have to do this tomorrow." Then started toward the door

Once we got outside I headed towards Fenrys car. "Let me know if you need anything okay?" Dorian replied as he got to his own vehicle.

Looking to me Fenrys said,"Do you know who would do this?"

"I'll have a better guess once we get there." Thankfully the drive was short. Once we got to the rooms Aedion along with Rowan were already there with Lorcan and Elide.

"Looks like it was mainly your stuff." Elide was packing her clothing into some suitcases along with her belongings.

"Are you going to stay with Lorcan?" She nodded to confirm."Good, I'm sorry to have brought this too you." I reached behind my nightstand to see if the box I had put there was still in place. But it wasn't. There's only one person who would know where I would have put it. Grunting as I stomped my foot I said to the group. "It was Sam. I had a box containing all the jewelry he gave me hidden. It's all gone. He's the only one who would have known were I hid it. And I don't think anything else was taken."

I clearly didn't get a choice to move in to the Cadre house. No one would listen to me and they all insisted that I pack. Even Lorcan. Luckily they had one extra bedroom. Smaller than the rest but it'll work. Aedion sat the last bag of my stuff on the mattress then hugged me. Hugging back I felt his tears on my head.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Looking up I wiped his tears away.

"I can't loose you again." Hugging me harder so I could feel his heartbeat against my cheek.

"You won't. We are doing the plan to make sure all of our lives are safe." Realizing what day it was I said, "shit what time is it?"

"Almost 4. Why?" Aedion let go and was staring.

Shoving him out the door I said "Get out I have stuff to do."

I needed a shower and to get ready for tonight.

Rowan POV

I was sitting in the couch playing video games with Fenrys and Aedion. Elide and Lorcan were in the kitchen making dinner. Whatever they were making it smelt amazing.

The whole house was quiet. After Sam breaking into the girls dorm everyone was on edge. Aelin seemed to be the only person not really effected with it. To think she was going to stay in the dorms. I'd never seen Aedion yell at someone like he did with Aelin today. She really could get under his skin. Luckily Lorcan stepped in and didn't give her another choice.

"Where's Gavriel?"

"On a date." Lorcan replied from his spot on the kitchen.

"Really with who?" Fenrys perked up from the chair.

"Some blonde from the 13s lacrosse team. I think it was Asterin?" The 13 were the best lacrosse team in all of Erilea. Manon their fierce white hair Captain kept a tight rein on all of them to make sure they won at all costs. Going on a date with one of them, you had to have some balls.

Aelin came swaggering into the living room. My mouth just dropped open. She was wearing tight skinny jeans with red high heels, and a simple grey sweater with gold jewelry. She did the bare minimum for makeup but what she did made her even more beautiful. Looking up from her phone she saw Fenrys and I staring at her.

Her cheeks actually flushed. I've never seen her so flustered. Glancing toward Aedion she said,"Aedion can I have $20?"

Glaring at her he said,"Onky if you tell me where your going? And why you look like that?" After getting the money from his walllet he handed it to her.

"If you must know I'm going on a date." I looked to Fenrys. I thought they were a thing. She's always with him. "Now if I get you $20 will you do my laundry?" She grinned at him and handed his money back.

"I just gave you $20 to do your laundry? Unbelievable." Aelin only grinned wider and nodded her head." Fine. But who is this date with? I also thought you and Fen here were becoming a thing?"

Fenrys chimed in before Aelin." We are just friends who have a mutual understanding." Coughing he didn't quite meet Aedions gaze.

"What do you mean by mutual understanding?"

"I don't think you want to know the answer to that one Aedion. My date tonight is with Rolf." She winked at Fenrys which in return blew her a kiss.

Lorcan cave from the kitchen. "You. You have a date with Rolf? The owner of the Sea Dragon Cruise-line?"

"The very same one! Now I gotta go before I'm too late."

"How did she get a date with him?" I asked after she left.

Fenrys looked toward me with a knowing smile."She met him at the bar the other night when we went with Dorian. He couldn't leave her alone and finally asked for a date."

The rest of the night was quiet. I waited up to make sure Aelin got back safely. My room was on the top floor overlooking the street. Once I saw a car pull up and Aelin got out I went and laid down to fall asleep. But I couldn't. I was wondering how her date went. Or was it even a date? She could have been doing this for the plan to take down Maeve and Arobynn.

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