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Chapter 19 Rowan POV

Something wasn't right. Why would Aelin be out all night and return home drunk. I didn't get to say anything to her before she left with Elide and Lysandra. What did she mean that even Arobynn wouldn't touch Illias. Did the kid have that big of an influence? Who exactly was he?

For once all of the cadre were home, sitting in the living room enjoying small talk. Connell was even laughing at something Fenrys said.  Then Maeve walked in.

"Hello boys. I'm glad you all are here. We have something's to discuss. Such as Aelin. And Arobynn."

The room went silent. Maeve hadn't called for their services in months. Why would she want anything to do with Aelin. Had she figured out what Aelins plan was?

"I know that she's been staying here. And I would like her help. Where is she?" Maeve took a sit on the otter man facing us.

Gavriel answered her. "She's currently out. What would you like her help with?"

"Do you know of the young gentleman she was with last night?" They all nodded for her to continue, "Well he is Illias. Son of the Mute Master of the Silent Assassins. He is Heir to the sessiz suikast."

Maeve paused. While we gathered our thoughts. No wonder Aelin wasn't scared of Arobynn or Sam while she was with Illias. The Silent Assassins and the Assassins Guild had a deep understanding that neither organization could touch the heirs. Or it would be full blown war. With no cease fire until the one of them were completely wiped out.

"I need Aelins help taking down Arobynn. I don't like doing business with him. Since she was seen with Illias Arobynn is going to want to take her out of the equation. "

I looked up at that as Aedion and Fenrys stiffened next to me. "What do you mean 'take her out of the equation'"?

"He can't very well have his old heir hanging around Illias without consequences. He won't risk her switching sides. So this is what I need you to do for me."

I'd never felt such fear for anyone before as I listened to maeves plan.

Aelin POV

After a long day of shopping and eating out with Elide and Lysandra we arrived back at the Cadre House. I already warned them that there might be some tension in the house. Since I knew that one of Maeves men saw me with Illias last night. Sams Crew also saw me last night too. I made sure of it.

As we strutted into the house Lorcan immediately went to hug Elide. Aedion ran over to me cupped my cheek in his hand to make sure I was unharmed then went to Lysandra.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rowan start to stand, but then he realized what he was doing then sat back down. Fenrys came up to me instead and gripped my shoulders.

"If you don't stop taking stupid risks I'm going to tie you down to make sure you can't leave."

I smirked and purred towards him. "Tie me down where?" Fenrys then blushed. Actually blushed as someone coughed.

Rowan then spoke, "when we're you planning on telling us who Illias really was? Also Maeve came by. But I have the feeling you already knew that."

"Well Connell, should have known who Illias was. He tracked him for a few months a while back on Maeves orders. And yeah I already know what Maeve wants."

Connell doing his gaze to me. "How do you know of that mission? I didn't know that is was Illias from a distance.. I was just supposed to track his movements."

"Oh you'd be surprised by what I know. Also your welcome for getting Elide and Lysandra out of the house today. I doubt you guys would have wanted them to meet dear old aunt Maeve. Now let's discuss how the old bat wants to do this ."

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