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Chapter 28 and Epilogue

Rowan POV

I was shocked to see Lyria after months of not seeing her.

"Lyria what are you doing here?

She proceeds to answer me by pulling out a gun and aiming it at Aelin.

"Because of you I lost the love of my life and the father to my child." Lyria said with a furious look to her face.

Aelin quickly replied. "Who Sam? Sam wouldn't bother with you."

"No. Cairn. He was manipulated by Maeve and Arobynn because they wanted to get to you. And now he's behind bars." Everyone was shocked for a second before Aelin argued back. She face Lyria without fear.

"I'm failing to see how that is my fault Lyria. He made his choices. Please put the gun away and think about your child. If you shoot me, you'd go to jail and your child will be left without both parents."

That seem to stop her. She lowered the gun. But still kept both eyes in Aelin. I was getting ready to grab Aelin and shove her behind me to protect her. But Aedion beat me to it. Aedion tackled Aelin to the ground as Lorcan and I disarmed Lyria and got her to the ground. Before she could raise her arm up again.

Slowly Aelin got to her feet." Lyria, if you ever come back here and threaten anyone of us I will personally see you put behind bars. Cairn made his bed when he abducted Fenrys and I. Honestly your child is better off without him in her life. This is your one chance. Do not make another step against me. Or my family. Do you understand?"

Lyria glared but nodded anyway. She left quickly by slamming her car door and speeding off towards the highway.

"Well that was fun. Who wants cake?"

1 year later.

The boys ended up going to the championship in football this last year but lost by 3 points. Aedion had gathered his balls and proposed to Lysandra. They plan on getting married after we graduate from college in the summer.

After switching majors I had to take summer courses to keep up with graduating in the spring. Everyone was graduating except for Elide and Gavriel since they needed more schooling for their degrees.

We hadn't heard or dealt with anything else in the underworld since Lyria came by. But we still have Nox on security. On all of our new places.

Aedion and Lysandra were the first to love out of the cadre house. Followed by Lorcan and Elide. Rowan and I were right behind them. We all got apartments in the same building. The twins parents were selling the house so they moved into the building as well.

Dorians girlfriend Manon set Fenrys up with her cousin Asterin on a date. The two have been inseparable ever since. She matched his wild beauty easily. Connall to everyone's surprise brought a nice guy home for the holidays. Vaughn was a quiet fellow. But he fit right in with our little group.

Rowan and I were in our bedroom watching Netflix when he said. "I want to go to terresan and visit your parents and Sams grave this summer."

A soft smile came across my face as I looked up at him. "Of course. Any particular reason why? "

"Of course. I plan on marrying you one day. But I want to meet them and make sure I have their permission." He said off handedly. He smiled down at me and gently kissed me.

The end!!!!!

Teaser for the Mafia AU!

"Aelin looked at the man who was her enemy. He represented everything she hated about this world they lived in. His green eyes stared back. Full of hate. Yet there was some lust lost in the deep green. His silver hair striking against the black of his tuxedo. She had to remember that the gala was neutral territory and she couldn't gut him as they danced around the ball. His eyes roaming her body. Trying to find her weaknesses."

"Rowan looked down at the golden beauty. She was heir to the most dangerous mafia family in all of Erilea. She was nothing like Lyria. Who was soft and musical. Aelin was a wildfire wanting to escape her compounds. Yet he watched her dance with her chosen partner. The brown haired young man. Sam was now watching from their families table as he brought Aelin around for one final spin."

I will hopefully post the first chapter sometime this week. ! I have to finalize my outline then I should be set!

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