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Chapter 13 Aelin POV

Sitting in the library studying for our final test before fall break with Dorian was a nightmare. He kept clicking his pen, and every few moments would look to his phone for a text that wasn't there. Jeez whoever he had over the other night really got him wrapped around their finger.

Losing interest in studying the Great Epic Poems (very old stories) of Erilea I tossed the book onto the work table.

"So, tell me about your steamy night the night I couldn't come over." I asked Dorian. Not causally at all.

Those pretty eyes darted up at me. "Oh Galathynius, you know I don't kiss and tell. You and Fenrys should know better of all people." He said with a smirk. "Maybe after this break we could all get together again. I could bring someone new into it." The ass then winked at me.

Dorian quite frequently like to bring up the fact that we'd had a three way with Fenrys. Especially at the most embarrassing and inappropriate times and places, like the library. Dorian then has proceeded to constantly ask to add someone else. Whether a female or male he never specified.

Scoffing I replied, "Well that might not be an option anymore. You seem pretty engrossed in your phone today Halliavard."

"Well she, might be into it. Who knows?" He then shrugged. We continued in silence unless one of us had questions concerning the Epic.

My phone went off.

Aedion (pain in the ass):

"Are you sure you'll be alright with me leaving? The twins are going to see their parents,and Elide and Lorcan are going on a trip. Gavriel is coming with me and Lysandra, so it'll just be you and Whitethorn for the week."
Rolling my eyes I replied.
"Yes I'll be fine. Stop being over protective. I love you hope you have a good time!"
"Okay we are leaving soon. See you when we get back."

A week in an empty house with Rowan Whitethorn. I'm not sure what I was going to do. I really haven't had a chance to talk to Rowan since I fell asleep in his bed a few weeks ago. Which is good because I needed to figure out how I felt about him.

He was so wickedly smart, passionate, and kind. Plus he was so so handsome. There were just so many layers to Rowan.

Dorian and I finished our last test then said our goodbyes. I walked to the house still trying to decide what do about Rowan.

Rowan POV

Nervous was an understatement. So I decided to go to the gym go the Chaol before he left to see his dad.

Needing to just clear my thoughts we decided to do the "Bring Sally Up Workout" then followed with cardio.

"Damn man. You wanna talk about why you're trying to kill us?" Chaol heaved beside me.

"It's just going to be Aelin and I alone at the house this weekend."

He busted out laughing. "What. You Rowan Whitethorn. Afraid of being alone with a beautiful female?"

"If you're laughing that hard maybe we need to do some more cardio? Or another round of Sally." I said glaring at him.

Chaol held up his hands in defeat. "I've seen the way you look at her. But trust me, when she's not with Fenrys, she sneaks looks at you. I don't know what they have. But she never looks at him the way she looks at you."

Thinking about it. "I don't know what type of relationship she's want. Or even if she wants one after Sam." I looked at Chaol, "How are you and Nesryn?" He knew I was trying to change the subject but he let it go.

We cooled down from the workout and then i went home. When I walked through the door Aelin was setting the dinner table. It looked like she had cooked dinner.

She saw me and started blushing. "Oh hey. Um. I made dinner. Just pasta. As a thank you for the other night. And sort of a bribe as well."

She never blushes. Or acts so uncertain about anything. So I decided to mess with her. "What are you bribing me for Aelin? And I thought you couldn't cook?" I said smirking with an eyebrow raised.

"I know how to cook the basics. But I hate it. So when it was mine and Aedions turn to cook we might have accidentally, on purpose burnt the food." She shrugged her shoulders. "As for the bribe. You have the only tub in the house in your bathroom. I would love to soak in it tonight. The workout I had today killed my shoulders. Also I need you to check my stitches." She motioned for me to sit down.

Sitting I looked over the meal. It actually looked pretty good. "When I lived by myself after I left Sam I had to learn to cook. Since I really didn't want to spend all my money and time at different restaurants to get food."

"When did you leave Sam? Just let me straighten up my bathroom before you go in there tonight okay?"

Nodding she just said. "A week before I burned the Vaults. Then I hid untill I came to school. I thought it would be safe to come out of hiding. But I messed up when I went to the PITS. That night I hadn't heard from Sam since I found him and Lysandra in bed. I thought they had slept together. But apparently that wasn't the case." She then told me what Lysandra had told her.

We continued talking through the meal. Which was pretty fantastic. At one point I had sauce on my chin and she wiped it off with her thumb and just smiled at me. She was breathtaking. We finished the meal and she brought out a small cake. Chocolate Hazelnut.

"How come you got the master bed room? Also how is the house always so clean? I figured it would have been a typical frat house with 6 boys." She then proceeded to steal some of my cake.

"Well, when we all moved in, I was with Lyria. She would frequently come over so they stuck us on the top floor to avoid overhearing." I started to blush. Aelin just looked at me with understanding and sorrow for what Lyria did. "Fenrys got the bedroom on the first floor because he had the most girls and guys over. No one wanted to be near him. As for the cleanness, the twins have a maid they hired. You'd like her if you ever met her. Her name is Philippa."

Aelin took my hand and quietly said. "I'm still sorry for what she put you though. No one deserves that done. Even if someone smells as bad as you right now." She then threw her wicked smile my way. I just remembers I was still in my workout clothes and hadn't showered yet.

"Oh haha. I shall go shower after I do the dishes majesty." Once I stood up I took her plate before she could protests. "No you cooked, I'll clean." Before I could loose my nerve I kissed her forehead.

"Well Rowan Whitethorn. If I would have know that cooking got kisses out of you I would have cooked for you sooner." I just snorted and walked to the kitchen.

Even though I told her to stop, she of course didn't listen and helped with the dishes anyway. Once we were done I went to take a shower. I found Aelin on the couch cuddled underneath a blanket going through Netflix.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I sat down beside her  and grabbed some of the blanket. "Did you want to do anything tonight or just chill here? Or if you wanted to do something without me that's fine too."

"I'm good here. We can go out tomorrow if you want. I don't have anything planned."

"Okay cool. I have something I want to show you tomorrow." I knew there was no point of asking her what it was.

I knew it was shamlesss but I did the oldest trick in the book. I yawn, stretched, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Thankfully she leaned more into me and we watched movies for the rest of the night.

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