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Chapter 24 Rowan POV

I had been waiting for this phone call for years it seemed. I stared at the screen until it almost wen to voicemail before answering it.

"Hello, is this Mr. Whitethorn?"

"Yes it is."

"Well this is Patricia from the DNA Genetics Lab. I'm calling to inform you, that you are not the father of Lyria Flowers child."

I nearly fell to my knees. Barely keeping my thoughts together while I thanked her and hung up.

The Cadre were looking at me with eyes of concern.

"She's not mine." They broke out in cheer. Immediately Fenrys and Connall got some shots together to celebrate.

"How would she have green eyes if Lyria has brown and the other guy have blue?" Aedion asked Gavriel.

"It's possible the eyes to mutate. To crest green. It's rare but it does happen occasionally. "

Lysandra and elide came down from upstairs to help celebrate. When Aelin came home soaked she was talking on the phone. "No you do not touch him. Sam. Touch him, and I will make sure you're going to be without your favorite parts. Understand? He's just doing recon. Let him go..... yeah yeah yeah. I know Nox has a mouth on him. But what did you expect ? " she slunk off to her room and closed the door. When she came back she was out of her wet clothes.

"What are we celebrating? "

I looked at Aelin as I couldn't contain my smile. "The baby isn't mine." Aelin gasp then ran to me to jump in my arms. I held her as she kissed me. Everyone cheered expect for Aedion since he was fake gagging. I felt Aelin lift her hand to flip him off.

The rest of the night was full of laughter and ease for once in the house. None of us worried about anything besides the up coming trip to the Staghorns.

"It's going to be freezing so everyone pack your winter clothes." Aedion reminded us once again. "Remind Dorian, Chaol, and Nesryn as well. And that I want to leave ASAP in the morning that way we don't have to try to find the cabin in the dark."

The we all went to our separate bedrooms. I had just finished packing when Aelin walked in my room.


She smiled. "Hi." Then in a voice very close to Aedions she said. "Now remember to pack winter clothes." Then she giggled. "Gods, he's such a mother hen sometimes."

"He means well Aelin. But I even after he reminded us 20 times someone is bound to forget something. And that someone will either be Fenrys, you, or Dorian." She's just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm taking a bath in your tub. I'm still feeling chilled after tracking archers clients tonight in the rain."

I watched as she filled the tub. "Who's Nox? I've heard you mention him twice now. But only on the phone."

Aelin started to undress so I turned my head. Only when she was submerged in the water did she answer. "He's one of the very few people in the underworld I could trust. He's a very skilled hacker. Nox owes me a life debt. But I would never hold it against him. He knows every single one of my aliases. Even going as far as crated knew ones for me. Along with several new I.D.s." I sat on the toilet as she continued talking

"Earlier Sam caught him watching security and took him back to his place. Where Nox started to mouth. Nox is a shit started and will mouth to anyone just to annoy the fuck out of someone. Sams people didn't appreciate that. Then Sam called me. So as y'all overheard i told them to let him go. He's on our side. I would love to get him and Lorcan in the same room. Just to see how quick it would be before lorcans temper took off."

We talked for before Aelin decided she wanted to get out. I closed the bathroom door behind me and Aelin opened it back up once she was dressed so I could finish getting ready for bed.

"You know I'm happy that the baby wasn't yours. I missed talking to you. Spending time with you." She hugged me from behind as I brushed my teeth.

"It's surreal. I've always wanted a family. And for the longest time I had wanted that with Lyria. But I was just filled with dread because I no longer wanted that with her." And I could only say this because I wasn't facing Aelin. "I eventually want those things with you. Not right now by any means. But maybe once we get out of college. And everything with Maeve and Arobynn is finished."

"I'd like that very much Rowan Whitethorn." She then turned me to kiss me. My back against the sink counter.

I let Aelin take the lead. Her mouth roaming mine. Slowly her hands started roaming my chest and arms. I let my hands wonder too. I gently pressed my hand against her chest waiting for her to stop me. When she only deepened the kiss more I started to knead her breast she let out a soft moan on my lips. Any restraint I had left me. I quickly picked her up, her legs immediately wrapping around my waist, I sat her on the counter. My hand still on her breast I kissed her jaw then my lips found her throat. My other hand grabbed her hair and gently tilted her hand back so I had better access. She was still softly moaning as my hand slid down the shirt to touch the bare skin of her stomach. My fingers grazed the underside of her breast. Aelins breathing turned ragged as she forced me to kiss her again. Then my whole hand slipped up to cover her entire breast. She wasn't wearing bra. A groan went through me. Her gasp set a chuckle through me. But the gasp allowed me to deepen our kiss further.

She nipped my bottom lip, "take me to the bed."

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?"


"Thank fuck."

My lips never leaving hers as my hands wrapped around her back and tangled in her golden hair.

Gently laying her on the bed I moved over her. My weight supported by my arms as my hand rested underneath her head in her hair. I locked eyes with Aelin. She started biting her lips in anticipation. I gently pried her lip away using my thumb.

The next morning Aedion was furious because we made everyone late to leave for the cabin.

Authors note:

Hey guys. I'm so so sorry it took me nearly two months to update. As I said in a previous reply to a comment I got sick after I finished some class courses I did. Then I was to tired to really focus on the story. And I really did not want to put out a shitty update. But I plan on updating sooner and faster now that I am finally feeling better and got through the filler chapter.

Also. I want to point out. That I don't edit my stuff. I know I should because I make stupid mistakes such as a couple of chapters ago I typed "chop" for "Chaol". Like how does that happen? But I don't edit because I read way to fast. And since I already know what's going to happen I tend to skip over words.

Also also, I plan on finishing this fic soon because I have other ideas I want to explore. Such as maybe a mafia au ToG? A military au ToG? Or even a high school au ToG?

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