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Chapter 20 3rd person POV

Sitting in an armchair across from the fireplace sat a beautiful black haired woman, and on the other side of her was a tall red headed man. They were arguing when a brown haired man walked through the doors.

His piercing blue eyes scanned the room. Taking in the details.

"Good evening."  The red haired man purred. "We've been expecting you."

The man sat down across from the pair.

"What is it that you've called me for. Surely there is someone else in your service to do this specific job?"

The woman then spoke. "Yes but we need someone not connected to either of us. Also an unknown face is a plus too." She the pauses for dramatic effect. "You see the target. Is the best of the best. She will not come easily. She knows this game all to well. Never lets her guard down."

Scoffing the brown hair man replied. "If she's the best, then there's nothing I can do for you. It's impossible."

"Now now. Nothing is impossible. If you pulled this off, you'll get paid handsomely of course. You'll also be granted a spot in both of our services. I'd you so wish."

"What is it that you wish me to do with her?"

"You have a month to complete this job. Take her to this warehouse." The red haired man passed a slip of paper towards the brown haired man. "You can do whatever you want with her once's she's there. Just keep her alive, until we say otherwise."

He didn't have to think anymore of it. "It'll be done." Then he stood and walked out the door.

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