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Chapter 7 Aelin POV

"You've been hanging around Maeves in Cadre. Why? Is it because of Aedion? Are you actually going to do the job Arobynn assigned to you? Are you doing it to make me jealous seeing you with all of those men?" Sam let go of my mouth. After he dragged my to the alleyway.

"I'm not doing anymore jobs. Arobynn promised me information and he's not given it to me. As for your feelings I could care less. Especially after I found you and Lysandra in bed together."

Realization donned on Sams face." That's why you left." He reached for my hand. "That's not what was going on. If you come with me I can explain more. I don't like being out in the open like this."

"You're not taking her anywhere Sam Cortland." Rowan said behind me. I let out a sigh.

"You don't get a say in this Whitethorn." Turning back to me. "Aelin please. If you don't come back with me you're not going to like the consequences ."

"No Sam. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You know why. You have my number if when you're ready to talk. You don't have your facts straight." With that he left. I started to tremble with rage and fear. What the hell had he meant by consequences...

Rowan then hugged me. I was so startled but then I hugged him back."Come back to the house tonight. I'm sure Aedion would want to hear about this. I don't like what he implied. "

I needed to think things through alone. "No I'll go back to the dorm tonight. I just want to be alone." With that he just nodded and walked me back.

When I got into my dorm I starting planning.

Hours later:
Fenrys open his bedroom door after I knocked for a few minutes. He was just in sweats without a t shirt on. "Are you busy?" He shook his head. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course" he said with a weary glaze on his beautiful features.

"Without strings attached. Will you be my distraction for tonight? No questions? Just distraction? Then tomorrow we will never speak of it again?"

"If you're sure. This won't effect our relationship with each other? Or the others?"

"No. Just between us." Nodding he stepped aside to let me into his room.

Lorcan POV

It had been a couple of days since Aelins ex boyfriend showed up and Elide was trying to spend every moment she could with her. Which lead me to hang out with the cadre more. But to my surprise Elide walked in the front door while i was in the couch.

"Hey there." She said with a smile. I stood up to kiss her. Then I saw Fenrys walk out of his room, just as Aelin walked in the door.

"What the hell are you wearing!" Aedion shouted from the kitchen. Indeed Aelin was just wearing booty shorts with neon fishnets, a neon tank top with sneakers. Fenrys was also dressed in neon clothing.

"I'm wearing clothing. Aedion. No need to get pissy over it. Fenrys and I are going to an EDM rave concert." With that she took Fenrys hand and walked out of the house without a second glance.

Guiding Elide to his room to avoid whatever temper tantrum Aedion was fixing to have. He kissed her as the door closed behind him.

Her cheeks were already blushed, "Want to watch some Netflix?" Smiling down at her, I picked her up and took her to the bed. We didn't emerge till morning.

Rowan POV

Well. That was interesting. Seeing Aelin dressed like that shocked me into silence. I also had a strange feeling of jealousy since Fenrys was the one taking her to a concert. But I knew I had no claim over her. Aedion was still pissed beside me.

"Isn't it too cold for an outside concert?" Aedion asked. He then quickly got on his phone. Sighing with a curse."There are no EDM concerts tonight. What do you think those two are doing if they lied about it?"

"Let's get our jackets to follow. I don't like this. Especially since she's been distant with Sams arrival. Besides I'd rather be out of the house when Lorcan and Elide start 'studying'."

Aelin POV

Walking down the sidewalk with Fenrys arm in tow. I got the text we were waiting for.

"Meet at Building A in the Slums."

Fenrys snorted beside me." Gods this will be fun. Did you bring an extra pair of clothing? Also you know Aedion and Rowan are going to follow right?" We got into his car i started changing.

"I planned on them following." I said with a wicked smirk. "I need them on their toes for this to work."

Rowan POV

Standing in the hall with an oversized hoodie so no one could see mine or Aedions face is fucking stupid. As soon as we pulled up Aelin told us to put these hoods on. Not to say a word. And she would explain once they were done. Apparently she needed them to play guard. But stupid Fenrys got to go into the room with her. Aedion looked even more put out than him.

"This is fucking stupid. Why does Fenrys of all people know what's going on?" Aedion growled. I just didn't say anything since there was really nothing to say. "Do you know who that guy is?"

"I think it might have been Archer Finn. But what she's doing with him I have no idea." I simply replied.

They continued to wait 30 more minutes before Aelin, Fenrys, and Archer walked out with his body guard. "Archer if you do anything to jeopardize this I will make what happen to Ben look like a fucking mercy."

Archer paled, "Never Celaena. I am sorry for what happened to Ben. He was my friend too. What we are doing will benefit me too." With that he walked out.

Turning to Aedion and me, Aelin raised her eyebrows. "We'll talk somewhere more sercure. Fenrys do you have the drive?" Fenrys nodded. Walking outside Aelin started towards Fenrys car. She motioned them to follow in Aedions car. Following they ended up at an abandoned field right outside the city.

"Are you sure you want to bring them into this?" Fenrys grabbed Aelins shoulder. And damn him, but that sent a rage through me.

Glancing around, then glancing up at the stars Aelin replied. "No, but we need them." Turning back to us. "I have a question for the both of you. If you could leave Maeves services. Would you?"

Aedion didn't hesitate. "I would leave without hesitation."

Aelin then looked at me with those beautiful eyes. "Id leave the first chance I got." She looked relived. It sent a pang though my heart.

"I wouldn't have brought you two into this unless I had no other choice. Also I need you to be quiet till I finish then you can ask questions. Fenrys has be my intel on Maeve for the past year. That why you couldn't keep tabs on me Rowan. Why every time you got close I would slip between your fingers. Aedion I really wished you'd never got involved with our dear Aunt. But I do understand why you did it. To have her look for me." Even though i steadied myself she took my breath with what she said next." I'm going to frame Maeve for Arobynns murder. And in the process take down all of their black market businesses."

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