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Chapter 2 Lorcan POV

Stupid new girl. Who was this Aelin person? The one time our practice get canceled Elide suddenly has a new roommate. Apparently some old friend?

Storming up the stairs to the two story house. I slammed the front door behind me.

"What's the matter with you?" Fenrys asks while stuffing his face with leftover pizza. Sitting in the living room was also Gavriel, and Connell. No sign of Whitethorn or Ashryver.

"Elide got a new roommate and kicked me out. It was werid though. Because Elide acted like she knew the girl."

"Is she pretty?"

"She's blonde. Not my type." Fenrys eyes glowed with excitement for a new challenge. "Wheres Whitethorn?"

Connell huffed, "where do you think?"

"Of course. Remember we have weight training in the morning, since we didn't have practice today due to the rain." Without a second glance I walked out the door again to get Whitethorn. The door clicked again and Gavriel came up beside me. Silent as a cat.

"I'll come with you to make sure he comes back. I didn't even realize he'd gone again."

When he found Rowan Whitethorn he was going to pummel him in the next practice. He had no business being at the fighting pits with playoffs on the line. And if he was there with Aedion Ashryver. May the gods help them.

Rowan POV

Drinking with Aedion wasn't so bad. At least he knew someone other than himself who enjoys the Pits. Yelling with the crowd they split some beer but drank anyway.

"That's it. Wait no, watch your left! Your other left!" Aedion sat down and looked at me. "Man he doesn't know which way is down and which way is up. Poor dude." Chuckling to no one but hisself.

"Hey how did that date go with what's her face? The one with red hair?"

"She was very into herself. All about 'outside appearances and inner beauty'. All that bullshit."

"At least you gave it a go. Man the last time I got som— fuck." Stopping mid sentence Aedion growled, "Lorcan and Gavriel are here."

"You two do know we have morning weights tomorrow right? At least you're not fighting this time. I'm not covering up for you again with coach." Sitting down Lorcan ordered a beer. Strange. Gavriel have a quick nod before sitting down too. Stranger...

The crowd erupted again. Glancing up he saw the guy Aedion yelled out on the ground.

"Why aren't you with Elide? Thought you two would be holed up in her room all night again." With Aedions gesturing with his hand ,"studying."

Gavriel looked over at his half-brother. (Something that will never not be werid. Apparently they had the same piece of shit dad.) "Apparently Elide finally got a roommate after Nehemia. Should have seen him when he came storming in."

"Who is her roommate?" Rowan spoke for the first time.

"Some dumb blonde named Aelin? Seemed like they knew each other and they were shocked to see each other."

Aedion went still and pale as a ghost. "What did you say her name was?"

"Aelin, why?" Aedion shot out of the chair and practically ran everyone over trying to get to the door.

"Well that wasn't weird." Gavriel muttered. "Should we follow?"

"If he's going to Elides dorm. Then I am." As a single unit they stood. Throwing money on the table following Aedion.

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