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Chapter 10 Aelin POV

Lorcan snarled. "What do you mean Celaena?"

I completely ignored him. "Why are you here? What the hell do you want?"

Lysandra looked completely shocked to see me. "I was on a date with Aedion. I didn't know that you would be here. When Sam said—"

"What Sam said? What do you mean what Sam said? What else has he told you? Probably everything right? Since I caught you two in bed together." The room went silent as a grave.

The boys were looking between the two of us. Lysandra said quietly. "I didn't sleep with Sam. He is my best friend. I had a nightmare that night and he came to comfort me after Arobynn used me. He didn't mean to fall asleep. But he was out all night scouting for Ben the night before." She looked me in the eyes with tears in hers. "I was in love with Ben. I've never had feelings for Sam that way."

Instead of holding me back Fenrys was now holding me up. His strong arms were a strange comfort from the normal arrangement we had.

"You really need to talk to Sam. He hasn't been the same since you left."

"No. He's the reason Ben died." With that I walked out of the room. But not before looking to Lorcan. "Yes I am Celaena. But when I came here I had no intention of using that name again. But clearly my damned past can't stay in the past." There was no need to tell them anymore more.

I walked back to my room and quickly changed to dark clothes. I then slipped out the back of the house before anyone could come find me.

Rowan POV

"Well that was eventful." Fenrys said trying to lighten up the tension in the room.

"Who all knew she was Celaena?" Connell asked.

Aedion coughed then said. "Me, Fenrys, Rowan, and Elide. Like she said she wanted to leave everything behind. But Sam her ex kept showing up. Now I guess Lysandra." Turing to her. "Are you okay?"

Tears spilling down her face told us she wasn't. "I'll be fine. I just want you know I didn't know she was related to you before hand. The only thing Sam told me was that she was in town. Caleana was my friend. But I guess with everything that happened in those two days..." shaking her head she quietly laughed. "This is a mess. You have my number if she wants to talk." Then she left the house.

Elide bless her heart. "Let's discuss this over dinner. Thank you Gavriel." We grabbed a plate, also thanking Gavriel.

"I'll go first. I had a suspension she was Celaena the first night she arrived. But she caught me following her around. Then just confirmed it. I was originally following her around to make sure she wasn't doing anything she wasn't. Especially after the PITS fight. But she's not here on a mission or anything.." I quickly lied. No need for the others  to know the truth.

Fenrys was shoveling his food down but said "I found out after one of our 'get togthers' she let it slip." He also lied to protect her. But refused to look at Aedion. "But even I don't know everything she's been through. She hasn't told me much."

I stood up to bring Aelin some food." I'll be right back in just going to give this to her. I'm sure she'll tell you three everything when she calms down." I gathered her a plate of the normal foods she eats then left the room before Lorcan and Connell could start yelling.

Walking back to her room I knocked on her door. She didn't answer. I gently opened the door to make sure I didn't wake her if she was asleep. But she want in her bed. Of course she wasn't in her bed. I quickly called her so I could give Aedion some type of answer to his cousins whereabouts.

"Hello Buzzard." She finally picked up before the phone went to voicemail.

Looking around her room I noticed she hasn't really done any decorations. It was primarily filled with clothes and books. "Aelin where did you go? Are you okay?" How many shoes does she need?

She was silent for a second before she answered me."I'm fine. I'm just tracking Lysandra. But you can tell the others I'm going to Dorians. And tell Fenrys I said the red headed one!" Then she hung up. I glared at the phone.

Damnit Aelin. Damn it all to hell. I quickly got on Find My Friends app to see if she turned her location off. Of course she did.

Going back to the dining room I explained where Aelin went then I went up to my bedroom. I had a few tests I needed to study for before the fall break

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