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Chapter 6 Rowan POV

Over the next couple of weeks I started to watch Aelin anytime she went out to get a better sense of her schedule. It seemed like she had a routine going. First thing in the morning should would run on the track. Then school. After school she would either go to the library with Dorian or a coffee shop with Fenrys to study. On the weekend she came to come of our games. Then went out at time with us or Dorian. She eventually started volunteering at the dog shelter on sundays. On Wednesdays she went to a MMA fighting building. I'm guessing to keep up her "self defense".

Aelin had to know I was following her because she glared at me anytime we were in the same room. And made snide remarks to me anytime I tried talking to her. Occasionally I would see random bruises like she'd been fighting. Or a cut here and there. However the name Celaena Sardothien didn't come up again. I was pretty sure I wasn't mistaken that they were the same person.

"Who is that?" Fenrys asked Aedion. The Cadre were all sitting at a table outside eating or studying. Since the weather was fence the enough for late fall. They were also joined by Chaol and Dorian to Rowans surprise.

Everyone looked up and to their surprise Elide said,"Fuck." Her wide eyes snapped to Aedions.

Aelin was standing near the parking lot screaming at a tall brown haired man. He looked like he was trying to reason with her. Pleading. The man reached for Aelins arm and she stepped back shaking her head.

"What is he doing here?" Glancing back at Elide, Aedion was pale.

"So should we interfer? Who is that?" Dorian asked. Both Aedion and Elide shook their head.

"Their conversation isn't something she would want to share... the guy? He's her ex." The guy looked really familiar. The guy suddenly looked up to us and then pointed. Then it hit me. He was Sam Cortland. Arobynns adopted son. Knowing for sure that I was right about Aelins identity right then.

Everyone watched just to make sure Aelin was okay. As she took another step away and walked off without the guy following her. The group released a breath that was unintentionally held.

Aelin POV

"Come home. You don't belong here."

Snorting I said, "I don't belong anywhere. But I especially don't belong there. That's no longer my home. You made sure of that."

"Let me atone. Please tell me what I just do." Sam reached for my arm. I stepped away before he could touch me. "I have always loved you. What I was doing was for the both of us."

Trying to hold the tears back. "That's a damned lie. You only ever cared for Arobynns favor. It looks like you finally got it."

Anger shown in Sams face as he looked around. Then he stared at where my friends sat. Pointing at them, "Are they the reason you refuse me? I see Aedion and Elide. Do they know what you've done?" Looking back at me finally. "Aelin I know everything about you. Please believe me when I say I will make everything right between us again." He reaches for me again.

"Sam. No." The tears finally spilling over. "I trusted you. With. Everything. I can't do that again." I turned at started walking away. I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere away from here would be good.

"I'm not giving up. Not on you. Not on us."

Later that night she found herself at the bar. Fixing to take her 5th shot of tequila. She felt eyes on her. Glancing up she caught the strangers eye. The boy started over with an extra drink in his hand.

"Hello Gorgeous. Did it hurt?" Ugh one of those boys.

Rolling her eyes, "Did what hurt?"

"When you fell from Heaven, because you sure are an angel to look at."

Plastering on my most seductive face, I purred,"No it didn't hurt when I fell. But that's because I scraped my knees digging my way up from hell." I finished my shot, stood up, and walked away. Or tried to. The boy grabbed my arm.

"Where you going sweetheart? I'd love to hear about your time in the underworld." Why did he have three eyes?

Smirking, "It would give you nightmares." Yanking my arm out of his grasp.

"Come on, don't be—"

Then I heard I voice I didn't want to hear." Hey babe, you ready to go home?" Looking up to pine green eyes I internally groaned.


When I walked in to the Pits I was fully committed to getting into the ring. But then I saw Aelin sitting by herself downing shots without a chaser. Impressive. Must've been vodka or tequila. Sitting on the other side of the bar I kept a close eye on her. I sent a text to Aedion.

'Found Aelin. She's at the Pits sitting in a booth drinking. I'll keep an eye on her.'

Today must've been rough for her to be here by herself. Every time a poor soul got the courage to talk to her she turned them all away.

I couldn't imagine her life. There was so much mystery behind her. Even now that I knew who she was. What did she have to do when she was with Sam and Arobynn. Where did she get her scars? Why is it when even if she's happy, there's still a sadness. Why did she leave for 4 years before Aedion or Elide saw her again.

His phone went off.

From: A. Ashryver

'Thanks. If you need to bring her here. It's closer. She can sleep in my room.'

Pocketing his phone he glanced up to see a guy grabbing her wrist. Fury pounded through him as he walked over.

"Come on, don't be—" the guy halted when he saw me.

"Hey babe, you ready to go home?" Aelin looked at me with those stunning eyes.

"Sure buzzard." I glared at the guy as I wrapped my arm around Aelins shoulders.

Walking down the street it was nice. I could almost pretend we weren't who we were.  Untill Aelin spoke. "I don't hate you. But you really need to stop following me everywhere. To answer your question since I know you're dying to know for sure. Yes I am Celaena Sardothien. When I came here I had no intention for using that name again. The night I went to the pits I needed to find some type of release after you found me in the hall crying after Sam called."

Utterly shocked she confessed. "I won't tell anyone. But you should probably tell Aedion or Elide."

Huffing. "They know." That did surprise him. Even though it shouldn't. "They know enough of what I went though. But they don't know why I finally left Sam. That is not something I want to discuss with anyone."

"Your secret is safe with me." She stumbled a little. Showing that she wasn't quite sober. "Would you like to get some food? That way you don't wake up with a pounding headache?"

"Sure why not. But you're buying." Glancing up at me. "Have you ever loved someone enough to give them everything? Every part of your soul? Because I did. And then Sam betrayed me in the worst way possible."

I looked into her eyes.Hesitating only briefly  "Yes. My ex Lyria cheated on me after I proposed. Turns out she got pregnant with the guys baby." Her expression turned into sorrow. " I know the kid wasn't mine. I was gone for two weeks with the team for a camp. The dates added up enough to prove it wasn't mine. The worse thing is she didn't apologize."

"I'm sorry she did that to you." Aelin took my hand and squeezed. "She is a really dumb bitch." Snorting she released my hand.

We ate our food and talked about the most trivial topics. She was frighteningly smart. She understood him when he spoke of history, or of politics—though she claimed to loathe the subject—and even had a great deal to say about the arts. At one point Aelin got up to use the bathroom. Looking down at my watch I realized she'd been gone to long. After seeing Sam today I panicked and started looking for her outside the diner.

Aelin POV.

After returning from the bathroom I felt familiar  hand grab me from behind and cover my mouth.

Sam whispered. "I need you to listen to me."

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