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Chapter 21 Aelin POV

Class started back up today. It was honestly surprising that I hadn't heard from Sam about Illias. So tonight I needed to stake out his crews location. But first. School.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be switching majors this next semester . From nursing to English literature. Nursing was was a childhood dream of mine. My mother was a nurse when she met my father. Until he became Mayor and need my mother by his side. That is until they were assassinated by Maeves orders. My parents disagreed with her on some political issues.

Part of taking Maeve down is finding proof she gave the order for my parents murder.

A thought occurred to me. Another step in the plan. I worked it through in my head, coming out with different options. Then I got started on it. I made a phone call.

The phone rang until someone picked up." Hello, Lillian. Long time, no talk."

Rowan POV

I got back to the house for lunch. This afternoon I was going to the DNA blood testing compound. I noticed Aelins things on the dining room counter.

I walked to her bedroom but I stopped before knocking. I heard her on the phone with someone but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I only heard the name. Nox. Then I heard her laugh.

I quickly retreated back to the kitchen to make food. I knew she was distancing herself from me to protect the baby if it was mine. But it still hurt whenever I saw her flirt with someone else. Her her constant touches with Fenrys, or laughing with Dorian.

I was just hoping to Mala that the baby wasn't mine and Aelin would wait for me.

Lorcan POV

I grabbed Elides lunch and sat beside her in the dining hall. She's been studying for her exams all week and hasn't really cared for herself like she normally would.

Gavriel and Aedion came to sit beside us and started talking quietly to make sure they didn't disturbe Elide. Fenrys was the last one to make that mistake.

Chaol, along with Dorian and Nesryn sat down too. The twins were nowhere to be seen. Neither were Whitethorn and Aelin.

"Where are the twins, Whitethorn and Aelin." I muttered to Aedion and Gavriel.

"Aelin is switching majors and went home early to switch her schedule around. Whitethorn is going to do the DNA testing today. She should be heading there now. As for the twins. You know they are probably getting into trouble without Whitethorn here."

It was true. The twins were trouble with Whitethorn to keep them in check. But as soon as he wasn't around all hell broke loose. It was mainly Fenrys causing issues and Connall following him around trying to talk him out of it.  Then making sure he gets away with it by helping him.

"Do you guys think it was weird for Aelin to be suddenly hanging around Illias?"

"No they were friends while she was still under Arobynn. But whatever she's doing I have no clue." Aedion said. "Maybe she really did just want to catch up with him? But it's Aelin."

The conversations started to vary between everyone when a brown hair man walked up I instant noticed his piercing ice blue eyes.

"Hey guys, I just transferred from Fenherrow College, do you mind telling me where building 364 is?"

Dorian told him where to go from here but then invited him to sit down if he wanted. Turns out the guys name was Carin.

Carin asked the group if there were going to be any parties this weekend. Knowing Fenrys, we'd have one this coming Friday since football was out. Aedion invited him.

"So what's your major?" I directed the question towards the newcomer.

"This is going to sound super morbid, but I'm planning on being a morgue attendee. I really just want to help out on big murder cases."

Elide peaked up from her studies, "oh that sounds interesting. If I wasn't going to become a lawyer I would total do that instead."

I watched Carin as he talked to elide. But Carins eyes kept farting around the dining hall like he was looking for someone.

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